origin of word:
- al-qasas, 28-29 - naran
- an-najm, 53-32 - ajinnatun
- an'am , 6-76 - janna
- sura al-hijr,15-26 & 27: certainly we created man out of a dry clay [drawn] from an aging mud, & we created the jinn earlier out of a piercing fire.
1. pictures,
2. music (all 4 sects dislike music), (prohibited before adultery & alcohol),
3. idles/statues,
4. TV.
throne of iblis: water [bazzak (partition between rivers/oceans)]
1. separation between wife & husband (impotence).
2. extreme love/blind obedience.
3. extreme loneliness.
4. repeated nightmares.
5. excess laziness.
6. excess headache.
7. sudden paralysis of one of the organs.
8. rejecting marriage for no reason.
9. infertility.
fears: ayath ul-qursi, azan, qur'an recitation.
features of infertility caused by magic:
1. tightness on chest after asar till midnight.
2. constant pain in the lower back.
3. insomnia.
4. frequent nightmares.
features of magician (sahab):
1. working with qur'an & weird language.
2. asking for fa's & ma's name.
3. asking for garments.
4. asking for animal.
5. asking for a sacrifice to throw it on a filthy place.
6. writing unreadable language (qur'anic verses written upside down) on the paper of amulets (tawiz).
7. claiming that they'll protect u.
(recite on right palm & put it on the pt's eye to see dizziness)
1. ibrahim,14-42 to 51
2. al-mu'minun,23-97 to118
3. al-falaq
4. an-nas
a. separation
1. remove tazeez (seek info)
2. 7 leaves from lotus, ground'em. put'em on a bucket of water. recite putting mouth close to it...
- ayath ul qursi
- al-kafirun
- al-ikhlas
- falaq
- an-nas
- al-araf,7,117 to 121
- younus,10-81 & 82
- ta ha,20,68 & 69
...wash ur body for at least 7 days.
b. infertility
- recite al-saffat,37, morning, after wake up.
- recite al-ma'arij,70, night, before sleep.
- recite the follwing verses on black seed oil or olive oil & while applying it on ur body, especially spinal column & forehead...
* al-fatiha
* ayatul qursi
* last verse of baqara
* last verses of al-imran,199 & 200
* 4 quls (an-nas, falaq, ikhlas & al-kafirun)
.... read those verses above to pure honey or zumzum water & eat/drink one tsf daily b/m.
... repeat the entire process for few months & pray to allah for cure.
c: general (possession):
put the right hand on the forehead of the patient & recite on his/her ear...
- al-fatiha
- al-baqarah,2-1 to 4
- ayatul qursi
- end verse of baqarah
- al-imran,3-18 & 19
- nisa,4-110 to 121
- al-a'far,7-54 & 55
- yasin,36-1 to 12
- al-saffat,37-1 to 9
- al-ghafir,40-1 to 3
- al-rahman,55-1 to 16
- al-hashar,59-21 to 24
- al-hadid,57-1 to 6
- al-jinn,72-1 to 9
- az-zalzalah
- al-qari'ah
- humazah
- al-fil
- quraish
- al-kafirun
- an-nasr
- al-masad
- al-ikhlas
- al-falaq
- an-nas
(look for the impact & recite the verses u get response repeatedly)
(if he/she talks, give da'wa & ask it to come out)
- 7 ajwa dates everyday before breakfast.
- be in uzu before going to bed (guarded by an angel).
- 5 daily prayers on time.
- night prayer.
- seek refuge before going to washroom (left leg to enter, right leg to exit & dua).
- dua after marriage.
- dua before intercourse.
- recite ayatul qursi before going to sleep & after fajr prayer.
- learn dua.
- wearing one shoe.
- standing half shade & half sun light.