The Devil's Trap - Shaykh Hamza Yusuf
- d devil has tools tht he has never had b4 - 05:50
- fr d 1st tym'n d human history, u can backbite (غِيْبَ) whn u'r alone (cell phone) - 05:55
- done w/ anonymity. bcz dey'r cowards. ppl won't c'm & say it to ur face - 06:50
- u can b killer23'n d internet. but d angles knw tht u'r d son of 'abdullah & dey'll write tht down - 07:00
- so u can't get away w/ it - 07:15
- thr's no anonymity'n d unseen world - 07:20
- d other aspect's television, films & music - 07:25
- 1 of d interesting things in islam's d tension of d 'ulama have w/ d music - 07:30
- muhammad ash-shawkani in nayl al-awtar, he has a section'n ths & talk abt d khilaf (خِلَافَ - controversy) tht existed abt music - 07:40
- imam ghazali, 'abdul ghani nabulsi & other great scholars have section about سَمَاعَ, which's a sacred type of music tht dey thought was a good thing & permissible - 07:50
- but d 'ulama're very weary of music bcz dey understood how powerful music is & how seductive it is & d effects tht it has on d soul - 08:00
- ths actually goes back'n2 d ancient greek - 08:15
- plato'n d republics outlawed certain types of music bcz it was so harmful 2d soul - 08:15
- al-farabi who wrote kitab al-musiqa al-kabir, d big book of music, it's one of the earliest serious works'n d science of music - 08:35
- thr's demonic effects tht sounds've & thr's angelic effects tht sounds've - 09:25
- d 'ulama're very concerned abt d demonic effects of sound - 09:35
- dey understood tht one of d things d demons've always used's music2 lure ppl away - 09:35
* hadith abt da'ud a.w.s. who sang d songs. he'd a beautiful voice & he sang. which's musical but it was angelic. shaitan got a little band together & he put it'n d side of d road & ppl'n d way2 hear da'ud would stop & listen2 d band of shaitan & dey'ld forget abt da'ud - 09:55
- d tension's thr, so d muslims never go too far'n2 tht thing - 10:20
- now u c'n d west, ppl listen2d music all d tym, dey'r always plugged'n. dey get'n2 their car, dey turn'n d music, dey walk, dey put'n their earphones & dey listen2 thr music & ppl've long playlist, dey spent a lot of money'n dis things & so dey'r lost. dey don't hve free tym2 think nymore bcz their lives're filled w/ sound - 10:25
- so d demons've immense tools tht dey never had b4 & dey'r using'em very effectively - 10:50
- & we're unfortunately d ppl of حَقْ (truth) rn't using'em effectively at all - 11:00
* 'hadith, مُتَّفَقْ عَلَيْهِ (agreed upon) in d مُسْتَحَبْ (it means both imam bukhari & imam muslim related this 'hadith'n thr books. dey related dis'n a section called, "bab ul-fitan" - 11:30
- d فِتَنْ (fitan), فِتَنَا (fitnah) is a very intriguing... word bcz one of d meanings of it is "intriguing"... . in other other words, "it pulls u in" - 11:45
- d arabs call some of thr daughters, فَاتِنَ (fatina) - 11:55
- which means, "she is a فِتَنْ (fitna)". "she's s'mbdy tht causes 'fitna'". in other words, "she's attractive" or "seductive", "u'r attracted 2her" - 12:00
- فِتَنْ (fitnah) = s'mthn attractive abt it - 12:10
- ppl like فِتَنْ (fitna) - 12:15
- example: u've muslims tht don't do nythn. dey sit around. dey watch tv. maybe dey go2d masjid. but whn a fitnah happens, suddenly dey bcm so active & dey r'n d phone, "we've 2do s'mthn abt ths" & dey really get active bcz FITNAH EXCITES PPL. THR'R S'MTHN COMPELLING ABT IT - 12:20
- & ths's y'n sa'hih' al-bhukhari, whn fitnah happened, 1of d greats, ths d beauty of sa'habah bcz ths's 1of d many beautiful things abt'em. dey knw tht d prophet s.a.w. loved good poetry. he particularly liked ibn abi sult. he's 1of d spiritual poets of d jahelia arabs. he liked ... labib & others. &'n bukhari he coats a poem - 12:45
- d prophet never used poetry himself. he listened 2it & he enjoyed listening 2it @tyms - 12:20
* he said, إِنَّ مِنَ الشِّعْرِ لَحِكْمَةً (in some poetry, thr's wisdom) - 13:25
اَلْحَرْبُ أَوَّلُ مَا تَكُوْنُ فَتِيَّةً
تَسْعَى بِزِينَتِهَا لِكُلِّ جَهُوْلِ
حَتَّى إِذَا اشْتَعَلَتْ وَشَبَّ ضِرَامُهَا
وَلَّتْ عَجُوْزًا غَيْرَ ذَاتِ حَلِيْلِ
شَمْطَاءَ يُنْكَرُ لَوْنُهَا
وَتَغَيَّرَتْ مَكْرُوْهَةً لِلْشَّمِّ وَالْتَّقْبِيلِ
اَلْحَرْبُ أَوَّلُ مَا تَكُونُ فَتِيَّةً - when war first shows up, it's like a ductile woman
- যখন যুদ্ধ প্রথম শুরু হয়, এটা একটা রূপসী কুমারী নারীর মত
تَسْعَى بِزِينَتِهَا لِكُلِّ جَهُولِ - seducing every ignoramus
- যা প্রলুব্ধ করে সকল অশিক্ষিত মানুষকে
حَتَّى إِذَا اشْتَعَلَتْ وَشَبَّ ضِرَامُهَا - until the conflagration happens
- যতক্ষণ না পর্যন্ত শত্রূর মুকাবিলা হয়
وَلَّتْ عَجُوزًا غَيْرَ ذَاتِ حَلِيلِ - she turns into an old hag who has lost her husband
- তখন সে বদমেজাজি বিধবায় পরিণত হয়
شَمْطَاءَ يُنْكَرُ لَوْنُهَا - ugly that no colors suit her
- কুৎসিত কোন রংই তার শোভা পায় না
وَتَغَيَّرَتْ مَكْرُوهَةً لِلشَّمِّ وَالتَّقْبِيلِ - and becomes someone that no person wants to kiss or hug her
- এবং সে এমন একজন এ পরিণত হয় যাকে কেউ আলিঙ্গন অথবা চুম্বন করতে চায় না
- ths's wht dey used2 coat whn war started 2remind'em tht, "WAR LOOKS GOOD UNTIL U'R ACTUALLY'N IT & THN U C THT WAR'S HELL" - 14:50
* & ths's y d prophet said, لاَ تَمَنَّوْا لِقَاءَ الْعَدُوِّ (DO NOT DESIRE 2GO2 WAR!!!) - 15:05
- it's a DISEASE'n d HEART - 15:10
* but he said, فَإِذَا لَقِيتُمُوهُمْ فَاصْبِرُوا (BUT IF U'R FORCED2, B BRAVE) - 15:15
- BUT IT SHOULDN'T! it's a SICKNESS in d HEART 2WANNA GO & KILL other ppl - 15:20
# al-baqarah, 191 (fitnah's worse thn killing) - 15:40
- here it means "prosecution" - 15:40
- it can mean "civil strive", like whn u've "civil wars" - 15:45
- it can also mean, "confusion" - 15:50
- all of our mu'haddithun have a chapter called "bab al-fitan" & mentioned... d end of tym won't c'm until d fitan'r shown 2d heart like a mat, vertical & horizontal. any heart tht drinks it'n. (d heart's passively taking'n ths fitan). a black dot'll appear'n d heart (it's a spiritual, it's a metaphysical meaning). & any heart tht rejects it, a white dot'll emerge'n d heart (d beginnign of spiritual growth. so d other1's d beginning of darkness of demonic growth). until d hearts'r two types only. a white heart's lyk pure water. d fitnah won't harm it as long as d heavens & d earth'r thr. black but it goes little by little, it bcms more black (it means to change over tym. ths's how d darkness gets'n d heart & it grows until it's completely black). lyk a container tht can't carry nythn. everythn spills out (goodness spills out of it, it won't contain nythn). it won't knw wht's good & it won't reject evil (it bcms relativistic, nihilistic). it only sees wht it has passively taken frm it's 'hawa (wish) - 15:55
- y'ld u begin tht whn u recite d qur'an? - 19:40
- every sects in islam went astray based'n verses in d qur'an tht dey misinterpreted - 20:00
- thr's no sect'n d history of islam tht didn't use d qur'an as proves for it's deviation - 20:05
- an-nur, 21 (don't follow d progress of shaitan) - 21:55
- shaitan will take u step by step - 21:10
- he doesn't come w/ all his power all at once. he comes slowly - 21:20
- it's a long series of negotiations. u compromise ur values - 21:25
- george bernard shaw met w/ a woman & he asked if she'ld go back2 his hotel for a million $? & she said, "yes". & thn he said, "wht abt 20$?". & she slapped him & she said, "wht kind of woman do u think i'm?". he said, "we already determined tht & now we're haggling" - 21:40
- once u compromise ur principles, thn tht's it! so u just do it slowly - 22:00
- d 1st tym u don't take a bribe thn u'r thinking abt it, "i could use d money. thn whn d bribe's offered, u take it" - 22:05
# an-nur, 21 {he's commanding u2do foul things & things tht r naturally rejected by (فِطْرَةْ) pure human nature} - 22:20
- ur فِطْرَةْ (pure human nature) rejects'em - 22:30
# an-nur, 21 (had not, allah's grace & mercy, none, purified) - 22:35
- d purpose of ur life'n earth's تَزْكِيَّةْ (purification of the self) - 22:50
- if u follow shaitan, he'll corrupt ur heart. by rejecting shaitan, ur purifying ur heart - 22:55
# ash-shams, 9 & 10 (success = purify, failure = failed) - 23:05
# ash-shu'ara, 88 & 89 (no benefit, but only sound heart) - 23:05
- on tht day nothing will avail d human being! no benefit except d one tht comes w/ pure heart. w/ a sound heart. w/ a wholesome heart - 23:15
# an-nur, 21 (purifies, whom he pleases) - 23:25
# al-ankabut, 69 (purify those who struggle) - 23:35
* one man said to rasulullah s.a.w, "intercede fr me'n d day of judgement". he said, "help me. by doing a lot of sujud & give me some portion of ur night" - 23:50
- we believe'n faith & deeds - 24:05
- even though اَلْاِمَنُ بِالْتَصْدِيْقِ (believe is rectification/authorization) - 24:15
- ny1 who simply believes even if they never did any good'n thr life eventually'll get out of d hell according 2d hadith of sahi'h al-bukhari - 24:20
- but we believe'n faith & deeds. bcz faith has بُُرْهَنْ (prove) - 24:30
- charity's a proof of ur faith. prayer's proof of ur faith - 24:35
- media as problem - 24:45
- if we look@ all of d research tht we've, indicates tht media violence has increased'n quantity, but it's also more graphic, more sexual & more sadistic - 24:55
- dis's d خُطُوَتِ الشَيْطَنْ (footstep of shaitan) - 25:00
- in USA, of d landmark films was bonnie and clyde - 25:25
* in d end tym d shaitan'll take forms & dey'll tell u fictional stories & u can say, "i can see his face but i dunno his name" - 25:40
- website of actors called "you know their faces but can't remember their name" - 25:50
- that film (bonnie & clyde) was a major change'n america'n cinematography bcz b4 tht, graphic violence wasn't permitted but ths film showed BLOOD. now that film looks tame. compared2 wht dey've out - 26:00
- ths'r d خُطُوَتِ الشَيْطَنْ (footstep of shaitan) - 26:20
- VIOLENCE & SEX, bcz dey'r very powerful for the human psyche, & ths'r 2ways tht he can really corrupt d heart - 26:25
- 80% of R rated movies, 70% of restricted video games & 100% of music w/ "explicit contents" warning labels're marketed2 children under 17 - 26:45
- whether dey'r conscious of it, or not - 27:05
# al-baqarah, 12 (dey'r unconscious) - 27:05
# al-baqarah, 21 (corrupters) - 27:10
- we believe'n freedom of speech, we believe'n artistic expression. we rn't so in corruption. no! dey'r d corrupter. but dey'r unaware - 27:15
# al-baqarah, 12 (dey'r d corrupters) - 27:20
- so many of'em are literally minions - 27:20
- by d tym d average child'n d USA's 18 yrs old, dey'll hv seen 200,000 acts of violence & 16,000 murders - 27:25
- y do u think america's such a violent country? - 27:35
- seriously, thr'r other reasons ths's 1of d reasons. we've a history of violence'n USA - 27:40
- our children've been programmed 2b violent - 27:50
- d american pediatric association warns tht children shouldn't c ny television now - 28:00
- ths's a frm a few yrs back. dey shouldn't c ny TV b4 d age of 3 bcz of d effects dey knw tht it has - 28:10
- tht was actually a compromise bcz d evident shows tht dey really shouldn't b showing ny TV while their brains'r developing - 28:15
- but ths'r compromised bcz d TV industry's so powerful & if u don't think industry has an effect'n medicine just look@d food pyramid. bcz d food pyramid USA was changed bcz of d dairy & meat lobbies. bcz dey warned ppl abt dairy & meat. so dey got it changed - 28:25
- medicine's in service of industry. it's not medicine'n service of humanity. it serves industry - 28:46
- scientific USA proved tht TV's a low grade addiction. ppl bcm addicted2 TV. it's lyk tea - 28:55
- it's very hard2 giv up tea addiction - 29:20
- disney film trauma - 30:25
- every single disney film has a dead mother or a mother who dies'n d film - 30:30
- y do dey do tht? it's traumatic. dey knw wht dey'r doing. disney'n evil empire & ths isn't a joke - 30:35
- disney's an evil empire - 30:40
- y does disney spread ths global msg out? - 30:45
- it turns little girl'n2 princess - 30:50
- all u need's1 princess'n d country - 30:55
- u don't want a lot of princesses'n a country - 31:00
- u want women tht'll serve tht'll work tht'll do things. dey don't expect everybody2 do it fr'em - 31:10
- all d disney princess're served & all d children'r little warriors - 31:20
- dey've ths violent attitude'n thr film - 31:25
..... advertisement of hulu plus ..... - 31:55
- iblis has fun. he really enjoys ths show. he enjoys making fun of us. just laughing@us. "wht ur gonna do? give up TV?" tht's wht he says'n 1of ths adds. it isn't a joke - 33:00
- 2 out of 3 hollywood films released'n 2001 were rated R - 33:15
- in d 1960s ths films would've been rated X - 33:25
- ppl've bcm used 2d violence & sex - 33:30
- now PG13's wht used2've R rating - 33:40
- white: 5
- hispanic: 4.35 bcz dey'r out working
- asians: 3.14 bcz thr tiger moms won't let'em watch TV
- 99% of household tht possess @least 1 TV - 34:20
- some've 5. some've 1'n every room - 34:55
- 56% americans pay fr TV - 35:00
- 49% americans say dey watch too much TV - 35:05
- 34 hrs per week average americans over d age of 2 spend in front of d TV - 35:10
- 24 hrs per week children 2-11 spend watching TV - 35:15
- 54% of 4 to 6 yrs-odds who, whn asked 2choose between watching TV & spending tym w/ thr fathers, preferred TV - 35:25
- average american youth spend 900 hrs'n school & 1200 hrs watching TV, by d tym get outta high school - 35:30
- 200,000 numbers of violence acts seen'n TV by age 18 - 35:45
- none of d indices we lead anymore, d US - 35:50
- now dey call ths, "an important msg" frm our sponsor - 36:05- ths's d real reason dey want u 2buy & consume thr goods cause it's a consumers civilization - 36:15
- cartoon - 36:25
- FAMILY GUY: ths cartoon was fr adults. d man tht does ths cartoon literally he's an atheist. doesn't believe'n anything. makes fun of everything. sees himself everything as a joke. it's a very sophisticated show - 36:25
- SCOOBY DOO: is all abt ghosts & demons & d occult themes in it - 36:40
- d lvl violence during saturday morning cartoons'r higher thn d lvl of violence during prime time - 37:00
- u've got all ths cartoons here now & ur kids'r growing up'n ths crap & u really've 2think seriously, "garbage in, garbage out". u've 2think seriously abt wht's being done 2ur children's minds if u'r letting'em watch TV - 37:05
thr'r 3-5 violent acts per hr'n prime tym vs 20-25 acts of violence'n saturday morning - 37:14
- if u put a kung fu film & u put a bunch of 8 yrs olds & dey watch a kung fu film, by d tym d kung fu film's done, dey'r all kicking each other. it's a simple fact of lyf - 37:25
- music - 37:40
- 2.5 hrs a day fr teenagers'n d USA listening2 music - 37:45
- as s'mbdy who grow up'n america, c'mn frm a musical family, "i wish i've so many lyrics tht i wish i could sue d ppl tht took tht space of my brain. bcz i'ld much rather've othr things'n thr" - 37:50
- 1'n 3 popular songs now contain explicit references 2drugs or alcohol - 38:45
- songs used 2b lyk, if u go back 2d 1940s, 1930, listen 2d songs (don't), dey'r mostly innocent lyrics. s'm of'em had settled thing but ppl can work tht out unless dey're sophisticated. but most of'em were simple lyrics. even'n d 1950s - 38:50
- now, u can't even listen 2d lyrics. bcz dey'r so disgusting. dey'r so filthy - 40:00
- fakhruddin al-razi in his commentary said abt d verse'n d qur'an where shaitan is threatened tht u'll try2 seduce'em w/ ur voice, he says, "by giving them foul lyrics" thr thr children'll memorize & repeat - 40:10
- tht's'n d fati'hal gaib. tht's'n d 1300. so wht we'r doing now? this's d خُطُوَتِ الشَيْطَنْ (footstep of shaitan). he's taking ppl by degrees - 40:25
- america used 2b a relative moral country. it used 2've moral values. ppl used 2go2 church. dey elieved'n god. dey didn't use drugs by enlarge. it wasn't tht long ago - 40:30
- now u go thr & 1 outta every 4 women has a venereal disease dey can't get rid off - 40:55
- HPV virus's a major problem'n USA causing cervical cancer, genital warts - 41:10
- & now dey'r promoting sexual behavior tht'r pathogenic - 41:20
- in USA, u've all ths advertising against saturated fats. lyk a big mac isn't gonna kill u if u eat one of'em, it'll do s'm damage. but it won't kill u even if u eat a 100 of'em. it's gonna make u sick. but it isn't gonna kill u - 41:30
- but 1 tym, of rectal intercourse can be a death sentence - 41:45
- & yet'n america dey've all ths adds warning ppl against saturated fats & thr's no adds warning'em against deviant sexual behavior - 41:55
- y's tht? bcz thr'r lobbies tht say tht tht's hate speech - 42:05
- it's prohibited frm males'n males & males'n females. it's haram'n our religion - 42:35
- it isn't abt homosexuality. it's simply abt ths sickness bcz if u do tht u'll get very serious sicknesses - 42:35
- ur sphincter looses control - 42:50
* 1of d miracles of d prophet's said,"ppl of lut, dey couldn't control thr wind'n thr مَجَالِسْ (congregations) - 42:55
- dey used2 pass winds bcz dey lose d sphincter, is no longer doing it's function bcz dey ruined d function by doing s'mthn tht was never meant 2b done - 43:00
- but dey don't teach ppl ths. dey say, "o it's normal. embrace urself" - 43:10
- d number of tym an adolescent's exposed 2explicit substance references is 35 per hour - 43:20
- dey'r listening to 2.5 hrs a day, 35 per hr, 84 per day, 591 per week being told about alcohol & drugs'n ths lyrics - 43:25
- 30732 per year - 43:55
- reference 2drug & alcohol'n songs... pop - 9%, rock - 14%, R&B/hip-hop - 20%, country - 36%, rap - 77% - 44:05
- video games - 44:20
- ths's 1of d big plagues'n our civilization, global civilization - 44:35
- ths's a multi-billion $ industry w/ massive resources & power now. ths's incredibly harmful. ppl die frm ths - 44:40
- thr's a japanese boy who games until he got a hart attack - 44:50
- it's true thr'r only a small number of tht'r gonna addicted'n tht way but ths's whr islam is a الرَّحْمَ (beneficent) fr ppl so it prohibits thngs tht'r harmful - 45:00
- nybdy who studied فِقَهْ (jurisprudence) knws thr's a section on bi'a, "it's prohibited 2sell games" - 45:10
- u can make ur own games but 2sell things & 2make money of lahu is prohibited in our shari'a - 45:20
- nobody talks about it nymore. dey just think o u just can go & do ths & it doesn't matter - 45:35
- shaitan has taken us by steps - 45:45
- wasting tym's a great sin'n our religion - 45:55
- umar ibn al-khattab said, "i hate 2c 1of u wasting his tym. be doing s'mthn 2benefit ur dunya or s'mthn 2benefit 2ur akhira" - 46:00
- ppl say tht, "but brother, ths's good fr dexterity skills. i wanna b a surgeon & it actually teaches u eye hand coordination. it's gonna help me". nice argument - 46:20
- average age of ths player'r 35 yrs old - 46:40
- wht r u doing?!? - 46:45
- learn a language. go talk to a scholar abt islam. go clean up. get to the volunteer groups tht do litter pic up'n ur streets. go do s'mth useful. go work out. keep ur body healthy. go play soccer. go visit ur grandma. go 2a hospital & visit ppl tht rn't getting ppl visiting'em - 48:00
- 49% r 18 to 49 yr olds. 29% less than 18 yr olds. 26% over 60 yr olds - 48:35
- this is عَمَّتُ الْبَلْوَى (penetrated affliction) - 48:40
- 14% females & 28% of males non-gamer'r on physical fight - 48:55