Thursday, October 4, 2018

Bangla waz 2017 Mufti Alauddin Jihadi Saheb Islamic Sunni Conference May 14, 2017

Bangla waz 2017 Mufti Alauddin Jihadi Saheb Islamic Sunni Conference May 14, 2017

- putting "muhammad" beside "allah" is shirk - 08:20
- can rasulullah ﷺ hear durud - 16:00
- recitation of fatiha behind imam in salah - 37:55
- supplication after completion of salah - 42:24
- rasulullah ﷺ is noor, status of 'ali r.a.a. (created by noor) - 52:10
- human isn't created by soil - 56:25
- binding of hands in salah - 01:07:30
- giving salam before adhan - 01:13:35
- kissing the tumb & index finger & rubbing it on eyelids after hearing rasulullah ﷺ name - 01:21:10
- rasulullah ﷺ hazir wa-nazir - 01:30:05
- tabligh in islam - 01:36:50
- sleeping inside masjid (itikaf) - 01:39:45
- loving motherland in islam - 01:50:15
- following madhab & tarawih being 20 rak'at - 01:52:45
- standing at the time of 'ikama - 02:04:30
- shirk in calling someone ghaus ul azam - 02:06:55
- "kodombushi" & mazar -  02:10:45
- validity of salah prayed behind tabhlighi jamat -  02:10:45
- hadia of animal - 02:13:35
- follwoing a pir -  02:15:20
- standing on durud sharif - 02:17:10

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