Saturday, February 25, 2023

Advises of Luqman Hakim (ra'matullahi 'alaihi)

Advises of Luqman Hakim (ra'matullahi 'alaihi)

1. Learn about the identification knowledge of Allah ﷻ & successfully understand them.

2. Do whatever you advise to others.

3. Speak when there are opportunities & speak only what is absolutely needed.

4. Speak & behave with the people according to the status & qualification of people.

5. Don't expose your secrets to anybody.

6. Test the friends who are distressed.

7. Test friends in positions of both benefiting or loss.

8. Understand the rights of a person & what he deserves.

9. Don't rely on women who are not intelligent.

10. Don't expose secrets to women & children.

11. Don't guide people in which you've no knowledge of.

12. Think before doing anything.

13. Teach your children how to ride a horse & shoot an arrow.

14. Whisper at night so your enemies can't listen & hurt you accordingly.

15. Teach your children knowledge & how to be respectful.

16. Help people & do things for them according to their situation.

17. Get along nicely with all people of race, religion & society.

18. Keep your clothes clean.

19. Guard your eyes & tongue while entering into house.

20. Must host guests according to your abilities.

21. Build up a habit of charity.

22. Maintain the middle way in all the activities.

23. Think of the amount of earning while spending.

24. Think of teachers as the best father.

25. Build the habit of eating less, sleeping less & speaking less.

26. Don't disappoint people who are relying on you.

27. Speak carefully at day time.

28. Always control your tongue.

29. Don't speak unnecessarily.

30. Don't embarrass someone in front of others.

31. Cover your mouth when yawning.

32. Don't prove a person as a criminal who is innocent & unblameable.

33. Hide your wealth & don't expose it to your friends or enemies.

34. Think of the properties of parents as a prize & invaluable.

35. Speak smiling with both friends & enemies.

36. Accept the friends as real who are true friends.

37. Do acts which would benefit you in both religion & worldly life.

38. Think of youth as the best of opportunities.

39. Speak whatever you say with proof & with measure.

40. Discuss with people of knowledge & well-wishers.

41. Try your best to do acts which are good.

42. Mix with people who are careful & knowledgeable.

43. Stay away from stupid people.

44. Behave in a way where general people won't find an opportunity to disrespect you.

45. Don't leave the presented work.

46. Don't disappoint any needy.

47. Don't make previous enmity appear again.

48. Don't get into a debate with respected & elderly people.

49. Don't joke & laugh at the elderly.

50. Don't walk in front of elderly.

51. Be friends with judicious & wise.

52. Love you friends to the best of your ability.

53. Meet with both friends & enemies smiling.

54. Address your parents with utmost respect.

55. Address your followers with utmost respect.

56.Learn how to operate common weapons & vehicles.

57. Distribute responsibilities among people according to their qualities.

58. Be sensible & tactful while doing any work.

59. Don't educate when you're not appropriately educated.

60. Don't think of other people's wealth.

61. Don't expect gratefulness from immoral people.

62. Don't be free of thought in any action.

63. Don't think that you've done something which you've not done.

64. Don't put off today's work for tomorrow.

65. Don't prolong speech in front of elders.

66. Don't insult honest people.

67. Don't be separated from relatives.

68. Don't be arrogant.

69. Don't clean your teeth in front of people.

70. Don't put your finger inside your nose or mouth in front of people.

71. Don't spit with noise.

72. Don't repeat the speech.

73. Don't say unreal things jokingly.

74. Refrain from jokes.

75. Don't praise yourself in front of others.

76. Don't move your hands while speaking.

77. Don't mix with enemies of your relatives.

78. Don't speak ill to a person who has passed.

79. Refrain from arguments as best as possible.

80. Think good of honest people.

81. Don't take your food to another person's eating place.

82. Never hurry in any actions.

83. Don't stress yourself for material things.

84. Speak softly even when you're angry.

85. Don't clean your nose with the tip of your clothing.

86. Get up from bed before dawn.

87. Don't put on makeup like women.

88. Don't peek here & there.

89. Don't cut off someone's speech to talk.

90. Don't get angry with someone in front of guests.

91. Keep yourself as much busy in worshiping as much you think your life is left.

92. Worship Allah ﷻ as much you think you need His favors.

93. Prepare for the hereafter life as much as you think you would stay there.

94. Try to seek refuge from hellfire until you're sure that you've found refuge from it.

95. Sin as much as you think you could tolerate being burned in hellfire.

96. You wanna sin? Find such a place where Allah ﷻ & his Messengers ﷺ can't see.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Woh Qabar Ko Sajdah Karta Hai ? Mushrik Hai ! // By : Muhammad Farooque Khan Razvi //

Woh Qabar Ko Sajdah Karta Hai ? Mushrik Hai ! // By : Muhammad Farooque Khan Razvi //

 Ifrad & tafrid - 02:10
 Ifrad means transgression - 02:45
- In shari'a, it means transgressing in elaboration of a rule of shari'a - 02:50
- Examples:
` Claiming something shirk which is actually a makruh
` Claiming something haram which is actually najaiz
` Claiming something haram as kufur 
` Claiming kufur as shirk - 03:00
- Means transgressing in the rulings of shari'a by putting someone's own opinion - 03:15
 Tafrid means ignoring something, limiting something or taking something lightly - 03:35
- In shari'a, it means limiting in elaboration of something - 03:50
- Means considering an act as innocent which is actually a sin & ignoring it - 04:00
- Not considering something as haram which is actually a haram - 04:05
- Means ignoring the ruling of shari'a & taking it lightly by someone's own opnion - 04:10
- So, iftrad means putting someone's opinion to transgress & tafrid means putting someone's opinion to limit a law of shari'a - 04:20
- You can't change to limit or transgress a ruling of Allah ﷻ & His Messenger ﷺ because those are fixed & those acts are sinful - 04:55
- Don't claim something which is jayez as najayez
or haram which is najayez
or kufur which is haram
or haram which is kufur - 11:10
 Types of sijda - 12:50
- 1. Sijda-e-Ta'abuddi. Sjida of worship. This is only for Alllah ﷻ & nobody else - 13:15
- 2. Sijda-e-Ta'hiyyat or Sijda-e-tazim - 13:45
- Doing Sijda-e-Ta'buddi would take someone out of fold of Islam
- Committing Sijda-e-Ta'abuddi, Sijda of Ebadat for gairullah (anyone other than Allah ﷻ is not haram but shirk). Doing that thinking like doing it to Allah ﷻ would take someone out of fold of Islam - 14:05
- Sijda-e-Ta'hiyyat was permitted in the previous sharia but haram in our religion - 14:25
- Sijda-e-Ta'hiyyat is not shirk. Because of it was shirk then it would have been shirk in previous religion because concept of shirk is unchanged in every nation & time - 14:30
- The definition & description of shirk has never been changed - 14:40
- It's not that the concept of shirk in Musa 'alihi wasallam was something & at the time of Rasulullah ﷺ was changed - 14:45
- Concept of shirk is the same in every religion & age. The definition & description of shirk has never changed - 14:55
- The literal, figurative, textual or practical meaning of Shirk is unchanged in every religion of any Prophets or Messengers sent at anytime - 15:00
- Kissing. After feeling love, affection or honor is jayez (permitted) in our shari'a - 15:20
- There are 2 Tafsir of this ayath - 17:50
- 1st tafsir - Some Jews & Christian scholars came to Rasulullah ﷺ from Najran to test Rasulullah ﷺ as a Messenger. Rasulullah ﷺ invited them to Islam. He described saying, "Allah ﷻ is one & I'm the Messenger". The scholar from the Jews said, "O Mu'hammad ﷺ, do you want that we worship you like the way the Christians worship Jesus & think the he is the son of God?". Then at that time this ayath was revealed - 18:00
- References on the screen - 19:15
- Reference of 2nd Tafsir - 20:50
- 2nd tafsir - From Hasan al-Basri radiallahu anhu - I had an information that a Sa'haba came to Rasulullah ﷺ saying, "Ya Rasulullah ﷺ, I see that the way we greet each other mutually is the same way we greet you (there is no specialty in the way we greet you). Why not we prostate to you? (Cause we greet with salam to each other but you are more greater in honor than anyone). Rasulullah ﷺ replied, "No, don't do so. But you should respect your Prophet. (Don't do prostration. I'm not permitting you to prostrate). & Realize the rights of ahl-e-Bait radiallhu anhum. (What is the position & status of my ahl-e-Bait radiallahu anhum). Undoubtedly prostration is not appropriate to anyone other than Allah ﷻ". Imam Jalauddin Suyutu said that that's when this ayath was revealed - 21:20
- References of 2nd tafsir on the screen - 23:40
- Now the question arises that what was the kind of Sejda that the Sa'habi was asking permission of & Rasulullah ﷺ forbidded? - 24:00
- Was it prostration of worship? No! Because they were talking about Salam which is Tazim not Ebadat. They were comparing prostration with greeting someone & Rasulullah ﷺ forbidden it - 24:10
- If sijda-e-Tazim was kufur & not haram; it was haram so it was forbidden; if was jayez it was permitted; but if it was kufur or shirk; then Rasulullah ﷺ would just have said no; he would have ordered to do Tawbah - 24:35
- This is how we know that permission that the Sa'habah were seeking was Sijda-e-Tahiyat & not Sijda-e-Ta'buddi - 24:55
- If it wasn't Sijda-e-Tahiyat & was Sijda-e-Ta'buddi, then Allah ﷻ wouldn't address the addressee as "أَنتُم مُّسْلِمُونَ" (As believer). Qur'an would've addressed saying, "You've become a kafir now do Tawbah" - 25:10
- They were not done Tawbah', They were just stopped from doing prostration - 25:30
- If it was the Sijda of Shirk, as some of the sects say, "Sijda to anyone other than Allah ﷻ is Shirk". Meaning that they rejected the 2 kinds of Sijda. They say that Sijda is Sijda regardless of whom you're doing rejecting Sijda-e-tazim - 25:40
- They say that there is no difference between a Hindu & these Muslims. They prostrate to a statue & these prostrate to a graveyard. Saying this they put the verdict of Mushrik to a Muslim - 26:00
- If it was Shirk, then Rasulullah's ﷺ speech should have been very harsh. But he said, "Sijda is not appropriate for anyone other than Allah ﷻ". He just said, "It's not appropriate" - 26:20
- He didn't say that it was Shirk. If it was shirk he could have said things like, "What are you saying? Do Tawbah. Revive your Emaan. O the wives of these men, go & get married to another man" - 26:40
- Someone could say, "If it was Sjida-e-Tazim, وَلَا يَأْمُرَكُمْ أَن تَتَّخِذُوا۟ ٱلْمَلَٓئِكَةَ وَٱلنَّبِيِّۦنَ أَرْبَابًا ۗ - [Ahmed Raza Khan (Barelvi)] And He would not order you this that you should take the angels and prophets as God. Here Allah ﷻ says that 'Taken as God'. Meaning one to worship. That means the one to be worshipped. To make someone to worship is Shirk. This isn't Sijda-e-Tazim, this is Sijda-e-Ta'buddi. Whatever you say Tazim or Ta'buddi you're just playing with words. Sijda is Sijda & Sijda is Shirk" - 27:05
- I have 2 things to say - 27:50
- First is over here the desire is not shirk but the comparison is - 28:55
- For that I've two things to say. First is Al-Mu'jam al-Awsat by Al-Tabrani volume-3, page-343, Hadith-3348 - Rasulullah ﷺ said, "Whosoever neglected one left 1 rakt of salah intentionally has done open kufur" - 28:05
- This was narrated by Imam Munzari in At-Targhib wat-Tarhib, hadith number-834 - 29:00
- He didn't even worship a ghost & even then Rasulullah ﷺ claimed that he has committed shirk - 30:15
- What do you want to tell about this Hadith? I can give you 4 answers for that - 30:25
- What is the meaning of this hadith? In one hadith it's said that it's kufur & in another it,s said that it's shirk - 31:00
- Regarding this aimma ikram says, "Rejecting to perform this hadith is compared to Shirk & Kufur" but not exactly Kufur & Shirk - 31:15
- Not exactly kufur & shirk - 31:20
- He is a fasiq but not kafir - 31:25
- Imam-e-azam Abu Hanifa says about him, "A person who gives up salah should be captured & punished. Should be isolated until he does tawbah & starts to pray salah - 31:35
- But Imam Malik & Shafi'i's verdict is harder, "He should be punished, isolated & given opportunity to do tawbah. If he rejects tawbah, then should be killed" - 31:50
- Muḥammad al-Shawkānī who is an 'alim of gair muqallad in Nayl al-Awtar in volume-3, page number-37 says, "Whoever denies the obligation of praying salah has committed kufur. But whoever thinks that salah is obligation but gives up being lazy is fasiq" - 32:15
- If you don't accept this verdict & claim that according to this hadith you claim that that person who gave up salah is kafir & mushrik, by the creator, nobodies marriage is halal. Nobody can claim that he is halal. What is the reason? You could claim that you worship 5 times a day, do you've guarantee of your father? Even if you could give guarantee of your father, what guarantee do you've of you grandfather? - 32:50
- If your grandfather has given up 1 rak'at of salah intentionally, then he became mushrik. Marriage of a mushrik is not halal. If the marriage is not halal & broken, then what your father has become? Your father is not halal. He is from adulterous relationship isn't it? So nobody would be claimed halal. Nobodies marriage would be claimed halal - 33:30
- Imam Shafe'i debated with Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal - 34:00
- Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal ideology was like this which is if anyone who gives up praying salah is a kafir. So, when Imam ibn Hanbal who was already memorized thousands of Hadith went to study from Imam Shafe'i, was a Muhaddith but not a Faqih. Imam Shafi'i realized that Imam Hanbal was arrogant with this concept & until he is humiliated, he won't be humble & until he becomes humble, he won't be able to learn anything from me - 34:10
- Imam Shafi'i asked, "O Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal tell me, what is your Fatawa regarding someone who gives up salah?". Imam Hanbal answer that he is a Kafir. Upon asking the reference he presented this hadith. Imam Shafi'i said, "A person gives up Salah & according to you he became Kafir', then after the Salah time has passed he he realized that he shouldn't have left Salah. What he should do now?". He said, "He should take Shahadah first". Shafi'i said, "By taking Shahadah how he could return to Islam when he wasn't a denier of Kalema? He didn't give up Kalema, he only gave up Salah". Hanbal said, "He should pray Salah". Shafi'i said, "How his Salah to be accepted when he became Kafir after giving up Salah? He is in a state of Kufur, how his salah gonna be accepted?". Imam Hanbal became puzzled & asked to him about the explanation of this hadith. Imam Shafi'i explained that by giving up Salah he had become like Kafir but not exactly Kafir - 35:00
- I've presented this two Hadith these two hadith where Allah ﷻ said that those who do Sijdah even though his intention is Tazim, as the wordings selected وَلَا يَأْمُرَكُمْ أَن تَتَّخِذُوا۟ ٱلْمَلَٓئِكَةَ وَٱلنَّبِيِّۦنَ أَرْبَابًا ۗ - [Ahmed Raza Khan (Barelvi)] And He would not order you this that you should take the angels and prophets as God; it doesn't mean that he has become Mushrik as he took them as God; by doing Sijdah he commttied a deed that could be compared to Shirk but in reality it is not Shirk or Kufur - 35:45
حَدَّثَنَا عَمْرُو بْنُ عَوْنٍ، أَخْبَرَنَا إِسْحَاقُ بْنُ يُوسُفَ، عَنْ شَرِيكٍ، عَنْ حُصَيْنٍ، عَنِ الشَّعْبِيِّ، عَنْ قَيْسِ بْنِ سَعْدٍ، قَالَ أَتَيْتُ الْحِيرَةَ فَرَأَيْتُهُمْ يَسْجُدُونَ لِمَرْزُبَانٍ لَهُمْ فَقُلْتُ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ أَحَقُّ أَنْ يُسْجَدَ لَهُ قَالَ فَأَتَيْتُ النَّبِيَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم فَقُلْتُ إِنِّي أَتَيْتُ الْحِيرَةَ فَرَأَيْتُهُمْ يَسْجُدُونَ لِمَرْزُبَانٍ لَهُمْ فَأَنْتَ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ أَحَقُّ أَنْ نَسْجُدَ لَكَ ‏.‏ قَالَ ‏"‏ أَرَأَيْتَ لَوْ مَرَرْتَ بِقَبْرِي أَكُنْتَ تَسْجُدُ لَهُ ‏"‏ ‏.‏ قَالَ قُلْتُ لاَ ‏.‏ قَالَ ‏"‏ فَلاَ تَفْعَلُوا لَوْ كُنْتُ آمِرًا أَحَدًا أَنْ يَسْجُدَ لأَحَدٍ لأَمَرْتُ النِّسَاءَ أَنْ يَسْجُدْنَ لأَزْوَاجِهِنَّ لِمَا جَعَلَ اللَّهُ لَهُمْ عَلَيْهِنَّ مِنَ الْحَقِّ ‏"‏ ‏.‏
- He didn't forbid to go to the grave, he forbid to give Sijdah. Wahhabi stops from visiting the grave - 39:00
- So if you expand this rule by your wish & give Fatawa that visiting a grave is Bid'at & Shirk, then you are committing Ifrad & Allah  ﷻ dislikes these kind of people - 40:00
- Another point... Musnad Imam Ahmed, 24471 (Sunan Ibn Majah 1852). Narrated by Ummul Mu'mimin Ayesha radiallahu anha, Huzur ﷺ was sitting with Muhajirin & Ansar then a camel came & did sijdah to Rasulullah ﷺ. Sa'habah radiallahu anhuma said, "We see that animals prostate to you, same do trees. Why don't we prostate to you?" He replied, "Prostrate to Allah ﷻ; respect your brothers & if it was permitted in my Shari'a to prostrate anyone then it would then it would be for the wives to prostrate to their hasbands" - 41:10
- Did the animals worship Rasulullah ﷺ? If the animals were worshipping Rasulullah ﷺ then He would be blamed to make animals worship Him. So it was sijdah of Tazim - 43:25
- 1st thing: Animals recognized Rasulullah ﷺ. Those who could recognize Rasulullah ﷺ, could they not recognize Allah ﷻ? They could recognize Him who was sent, how could they not recognize Him who sent him? - 43:45
- 2nd thing: Could Rasulullah ﷺ like the prostration of animals? Could he let animals to make them do sijda-e-Ebadat? No, this is unthinkable - 44:10
- 3rd thing: Rasulullah ﷺ, who didn't tolerate the Sijdah or human, how could he tolerate the Sijdah of animals? If it was Sijdah of Ebadat, he let animals to perform but not the human. So, when Sa'hahah asked to perform Sijda to Rasulullah ﷺ; just like animals; it was Sijdah of Tazim not Sijdah of Ta'buddi - 44:20
- 4th thing: If it was Sijdah of Ebadat, Rasulullah ﷺ wouldn't have brought the example of wives doing sijdah to their husbands - 45:30
- Even after all these someone say that those are prostration of worship, then the command should have been Tawbah not just an order of forbid. But Rasulullah ﷺ didn't order to do Tawbah - 46:00
- Sijda of Tazim is haram but not Shirk but we're not trying to prove that this is Sijda of Tazim is jayez - 46:20
- We're not saying that Sijda of Tazim is legal. We're proving it haram & we're disputing with those who call it Shirk. Those who do Ifrad by saying Haram as Shirk - 46:25
- If you address a Haram as Shirk & declare Muslims as Mushrik, then this order of Shirk would be brought against you. You would exist from Islam - 46:45
- The concept of Shirk is unchanged in all Shari'a. This is a rule. Someone can't be more ignorant who claims that a deed that is permitted at the time of Musa 'alihi wasallam & has become Shirk at the time of 
Rasulullah ﷺ. Halal or haram concept could change in different Shari'a but not Shirk or Kufur - 48:30
- During the time of Adam 'alihi wasallam, marriage between brother & sister siblings were permitted but not at the time of Rasulullah ﷺ. The concept of Halal & Haram could differ but what was Shrik at the time of Adam 'alaihi wasallam is Shirk at the time of Rasulullah ﷺ is shirk for Musa, Isa & for all Messengers & Prophets - 49:00
- If Sijda-e-Tazim is to be taken as Shirk as it is haram for current Shari'a & was legal in the previous Shari'a then won't Allah ﷻ blamed that He permitted it in the previous Shair'a & made it illegal in this Shari'a? Won't it be Allah ﷻ's allegation? - 49:25
- When Iblis didn't do Shirk then he supposed to be safe from Shirk. But Qur'an says He was proud & became among the disbelievers. This wasn't Shirk, this was Tazim - 50:20
- 1st point: Was that Sijda ordered by Allah ﷻ was Tazim or Ebadat? Were all the farista ADAM-WORSHIPPERS as all people difines another as GRAVEWORSHIPPERS ? - 51:00
- 2nd point: Iblis was denial of Tazim or Ebadat? He worshipped 900 million years. He worshipped whenever Allah ﷻ wanted him to worship but the matter of Tazim came, he denied. These people are in the similar footsteps. They're ready to Ebadat but not Tazim. He didn't want to bow down for Adam 'alihi wasallam & they aren't ready to stand up for Mustofa ﷺ. The action is simillar for both as one wasn't willing to bow down & another don't want to stand up - 51:35
- Look at another point, Surah Baqarah, 1-34 - ‏وَإِذْ قُلْنَا لِلْمَلَٓئِكَةِ ٱسْجُدُوا۟ لِءَادَمَ فَسَجَدُوٓا۟ إِلَّآ إِبْلِيسَ أَبَىٰ وَٱسْتَكْبَرَ وَكَانَ مِنَ ٱلْكَفِرِينَ ‎ - [Ahmed Raza Khan (Barelvi)]And recall, when We ordered the angels to prostrate before Adam, then all prostrated save Iblis. He refused, boasted, and became disbeliever - What was the falut of Iblis? He did understood the difference between Sijda-e-Tazim & Sijda-e-Ebadat. He was thinking why I would bow down to Adam? Why I would prostrate to anyone but Allah ﷻ? I was created by fire & Adam was by mud. Why I would lower my status by being created with superior material than Adam who is created by inferior material? He was became arrogant & didn't think of the order of the Creator ﷻ. Angles were Masum & understood that it was a Sijda of Tazim as the most disliked thing to Allah ﷻ was Sijda or worship. But Iblis didn't understand the difference - 52:10
- 3rd point: He rejected the prostration of honor by not the prostration of worship. What has stopped him? He thought that he said, "I'm Mu'allimul Malaika. I'm the leader of the angles & they are my followers. Let them prostrate & I won't". So we can understand that the Kuffur come when we feel arrogant - 53:20
- Wahhabi can't understand because they have the arrogance of knowledge. He thinks, "I'm Ahl-e-Hadith, why I would listen to Berelvi?". The day he would realize that Barelvi is the lovers of Mustofa ﷺ so let us first listen to what they say is the day he would get Hidayat. The arrogance of Ilm is not letting them to listen to the Berelvis - 53:45
- Even though the prof is true as fire is superior to mud Allah ﷻ didn't accept it because he said أَنَا۠ خَيْرٌۭ مِّنْهُ خَلَقْتَنِى  - I am better than him. Who was Iblis to say to Allah ﷻ who is better than whom? Whoever Allah ﷻ creates & decides to be better is better - 56:15
- Comparison with the Prophet? Comparison with the beloved? - 57:00
 4th point: If he would have said that angles are created from light so they are cooler than me as I'm created by fire, the comparison would have been accepted. But the comparison was made with the Prophet - 57:05
5th point: So we can take that those who disrespect Prophet is condemned. So much damned that he would be cursed till the day of judgement - 58:05
- So cursing someone who is a disrespectful to a Prophet is the Allah ﷻ's Sunnah. To claim that the person who is disrespectful to a Prophet is condemned is Allah ﷻ's Sunnah - 58:15
6th point: Until Iblis disrespected the Prophet he was in Jannah. Then he was kicked out. So when the person who disrespect Adam 'alihi wasallam can't stay in Jannah, how could the master of Adam to to Jannah? - 58:30
- Ala Hazrat said, "Tujhse aur Jannat se kya matlab? Wahhabi dur ho, Hum Rasulullah ke. Jannat Rasulullah ki" (What is the relationship of you & Jannah? Wahhabi go away, we belong to Rasulullah & Jannah belong to Rasulullah) - 59:00
- Jannah belongs to him who belongs to Rasulullah - 59:10
7th point: Iblis followers could say, "He worshipped 900 million years & got caught for rejecting only 1 prostration?" - 59:25
- Wahhabis say, "You don't see all of our goodness & catch ony 1 thing" - 59:35
- Deobandis say, "Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi wrote so many books but you don't see them. You only catch Hifzul Eman?" - 59:40
- They say, "Such & such of our scholar is so pious. You catch what he said with the slip of his tongue" - 59:45
- We say, "Catching that is also a Sunnat-e-Elahiya. 900 millions years of worship wasn't looked at but rejection of 1 Sijda was looked at" - 59:50
- Allah ﷻ is gafur-ur-rahim & He gives chances as He has given chances to Iblis as he may not complain that in spite of wroshipping 900 million years, he was not given any chance - 01:00:05
- They're also given chance. As ala Hazrat says, "Aj le unki hi panha. Aj madad mang unse. Fir na manenge Qayamat me agar man gaya" (Take His shelter today. Take his help today. Accepting it at the day of judgement won't be accepted" - 01:00:10
- As it seems that repent is neither in Iblis's forture nor in these Wahhabi-Deobandi's fortune. Heart is sealed. Won't show respect - 01:00:35

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Tafsir Lesson 6. Tafsir Of Surah Al-Baqarah (Verses 18 - 22) | Asrar Rashid

Tafsir Lesson 6. Tafsir Of Surah Al-Baqarah (Verses 18 - 22) | Asrar Rashid

- There are 6 essential & principle reasons as to why a people commit disbelief, nifaq & disobedience generally to Allah. What are they:
 1. al-'Hasad - Envy.
 2. al-Gadab lin-naas - Anger for the self or the ego.
 3. ar-Ria - Ostentation - Showing off.
 4. al-'Ujub - Conceit - Narcissism - When a person believe themselves have exceeded what Allah have actually given them.
 5. 'Hubbul riasa or ' hubbul jaah' - Love of status or leadership.
 6. 'Hubbul maal - Love of wealth - 04:10
- A king in Bani Israel observed 'Hubbul riasa & 'hubbud dunya are the foundation of everyone sinning. He said as being king, I wouldn't allow myself to disobey Allah ﷻ. So he did justice in the land. Allah ﷻ increased his age, placed prosperity in him & placed baraka in him. And one day shaitan approached him & said, "Look how much blessings there is in your life, lifespan & wealth. This is only because you're God". The man had al-'Ujub (self conceit). He then announced himself to be God amongst the people. Then Allah ﷻ sent Nebuchadnezzar to sack the entire city of Jerusalem at that point - 05:20z- There are 7 doors of hell-fire. 6 reasons have been mentioned of why the person commits kufur. Those are the 6 gates of hell-fire. The 7th gate is al-Kibar which is Arrogance - 13:20
- The 7 gates of hell-fire:
1. al-'Hasad - Envy.
2. al-Gadab lin-naas - Anger for the self or the ego.
3. ar-Ria - Ostentation - Showing off.
4. al-'Ujub - Conceit - Narcissism - When a person believe themselves have exceeded what Allah have actually given them.
5. 'Hubbul riasa or ' hubbul jaah' - Love of status or leadership.
6. 'Hubbul maal - Love of wealth
7. al-Kibar - Arrogance - 13:40

 - Categories of ayath of Qur'an:
1. A'hkam - Legal rulings. Which would be Amrun wa-Nahiyun. Commands & prohibitions. Surah-tul Bakar has a thousand commands & a thousand prohibitions.
2. Qasas ul-Qur'an - Stories in the Qur'an. Which are the true stories. Real historical stories.
3. Ikhbar - Information in the Qur'an informing future events.
4. Am'sal ul-Qur'an - Similitudes of Qur'an in order that the ibrah (lessons) enter into our minds - 45:15
- If you see a beast that is coming towards you & you recite صُمٌّۢ بُكْمٌ عُمْىٌۭ فَهُمْ لَا يَرْجِعُونَ, the beast would go away from you - 51:45
- If you lose something & recite surah ad-Duha while you're looking, you'll find the thing - 51:55
- If you fear that the food that you're eating may be off & you're unsure; there is uncertainty; you recite surah Quraish. Because it mentions ءَامَنَهُم, that he gave them security. From what? خَوْفٍۭ, fom hunger. And it also mentions أَطْعَمَهُم, He fed them. The food won't harm them - 52:10
- If you recite surah Ikhlas 3 times before sleeping with the intention of waking up in a specific time, you will wake up at that time. Or you recite ‏قُلْ إِنَّمَآ أَنَا۠ بَشَرٌۭ مِّثْلُكُمْ يُوحَىٰٓ إِلَىَّ أَنَّمَآ إِلَهُكُمْ إِلَهٌۭ وَحِدٌۭ ۖ (last ayath); to the end of the ayath to the end of surah Kahaf, you would wake up at your desired time - 52:45
- The shaitan doesn't enter the house in which surah Bakara is recited - 53:25

Sunday, March 21, 2021

🌟 Live Milad & ZikrAllah With Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi- Sufi Meditation Center

🌟 Live Milad & ZikrAllah With Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi- Sufi Meditation Center

- ppl of tafakkur - 01:21:40

- ale imran, 33:190-191 - 01:21:50

- Allah open for them sincerity & their soul, their little bird comes out. Because the bars of their cage of their desires has been weakened - 01:22:40

- Sometimes the talks are jalali = tough, arrogant. Sometimes they are jamali. Because the jalali, they burn the cages. Something that is tough, it's meant to burn the cage inside so that the bird could become free. Then the jamali, the beatific talk & ammunitions, is to entice the bird to come out. So they begin to see the tajalli & ecstasy, feel the state of love. But you've to burn the cage too. So the two work at the same time. Jalali i.e. the majestic might is usually sounds like punishment, sound like tough & sounds very authoritative. It's made to burn down this cages so that the bird could become free. If the bird becomes free & the soul is moving to the ocean of reality, it experiences what Allah 'azza wajaal wants it to experience - 01:23:05

- These Awliya Allah operate through their soul. They can be many places at the same time. They are not reincarnated. They're the same creation. Allah can give them the power & authority to have many forms - 01:24:05

- We've a category of Awliya Allah called Budalla means The Changed Ones. They're continuously changing. They can appear different places with different image. So the Budalla, there are 40 of them & their bases are in Damascus - 01:24:25

- Many of them they don't know that they're Budalla & many of them they don't know what is their soul & where they're appearing & what they're doing - 01:25:20

- Budalla are appearing all over the world. They've different images & forms doing whatever Allah wants - 01:25:55

- Prophet Mu'hammad ﷺ mentioned about Budalla. He said, "Don't even speak bad about the people of Damascus. Don't talk bad about the people in Iraq because there are Nuqaba" - 01:26:05

- An 'abd has reached the level of Allah ﷻ 'ain (ع). Like 4 holy companions - 01:26:50

- Sayyidina Abu Bakr, who is an 'Abdullah. Sayyidina 'Umar, 'Usman & 'Ali - 01:27:00

- These are the 4 great عs of the Prophet Mu'hammad & they carry immense reality & knowledge from the heart of Sayyidina Mu'hammad - 01:27:05

- When Allah ﷻ want to grant a servant, he grants them this ع, ancient knowledges - 01:27:20

- With knowledge comes all power - 01:27:25

- More powerful are their souls than the sun. The sun is only the manifestation of the reality - 01:31:35

🌟 Live Milad & ZikrAllah With Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi- Sufi Meditation Center

🌟 Live Milad & ZikrAllah With Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi- Sufi Meditation Center

- Safety & protection of newborns - 01:48:40

- The child is a sponge & relies upon the action of the household - 01:49:55

- The one who has the most light is the one who carries the burdens in your life - 01:50:05

- If people come in with negative energies, those negative energies would go to that one who has the most light - 01:50:20

- That's the law of energy, the positive charge would collect all the negative charge. That's why we keep the association of positive people - 01:50:30

- So, when we turn on the zikr, the Sheikh has the most positive, the zikr has the most positive. They're able to bring energies into your home & pull out all the negativity - 01:50:40

- Sheikh Nazim, "Those who distance themselves from Awliya, they distance themselves from Allah's ra'hma" - 01:50:55

- The shaitan comes & says, "I don't like these people" & you turn the zikr off. Now What happens? You're not doing zikr. Who has the positive energy? Then the children carry the burden. Cause they're Mazlum. They're youngster - 01:51:10

- So the person comes from work angry, other one comes from work shopping, this energy comes home, where does it go? They start up kiss the child & touching, all the energies go to the child cause the child is the Awliya of the house. It came from paradise, what has he done wrong? So he has the Wilaya, the sainthood. So he carries everything & the child becomes sick. They carry the burden of what is happening inside the home - 01:51:30

- So that's the importance of Tariqa, the practices & everything - 01:52:00

- The tariqa comes & establishes that IT'S A BATTLE OF ENERGIES. So put taweez in your home & put taweez in children & when you come into the house, do wudu, your energy practices are understood. Don't touch the him. Don't kiss his lips. Don't do anything to convey energy to that child like that - 01:52:10

- & When you do have wudu, then you can kiss their hands & but don't put your mouth to the mouth of the child. Cause they could carry the burdens directly. Don't let relatives to kiss their mouth. These things are not accepted - 01: 52:25

Monday, February 22, 2021

Zikr Dhikr Allah God Chant Naqshbandi Center Live Stream

 Zikr Dhikr Allah God Chant Naqshbandi Center Live Stream

- Man is the imam of the family - 01:17:40

- Man has to be the imam where he tells the family what they're gonna do. The family doesn't telling him what to do. When the imam is emasculated, when his manhood is taken away & he is no longer capable of being imam, then imagine that family going off a clip. Cause there is no imam. There is no one guiding anything. & everything would be based on emotions. & that's not what Prophet ﷺ brought. & this is the danger in the last days that everybody yells & screams with emotions. & trying to manage the family in a panic & pandemonium. When Allah ﷻ opens for men to sit & connect & learn your Deen, it's a safety for the days that are coming. If you take away the Imamness of the home, there is nobody guiding. & if there is nobody guiding, then Prophet ﷺ taught that Shaitan is the Imam of the home. You can't have women trying to control of everything to tell him what not to do. So have to learn the Deen that has power. This is a knowledge that has power in reality. & as a result of learning the Deen & making the connection, your home is safe from difficulties & calamities. & when sickness comes, Allah ﷻ by blessing of the Imam of the home would lessen everything. If there is no blessing in the Imam, a sickness come & spreads to everything. & everybody in bad trouble.