Monday, February 22, 2021

Zikr Dhikr Allah God Chant Naqshbandi Center Live Stream

 Zikr Dhikr Allah God Chant Naqshbandi Center Live Stream

- Man is the imam of the family - 01:17:40

- Man has to be the imam where he tells the family what they're gonna do. The family doesn't telling him what to do. When the imam is emasculated, when his manhood is taken away & he is no longer capable of being imam, then imagine that family going off a clip. Cause there is no imam. There is no one guiding anything. & everything would be based on emotions. & that's not what Prophet ﷺ brought. & this is the danger in the last days that everybody yells & screams with emotions. & trying to manage the family in a panic & pandemonium. When Allah ﷻ opens for men to sit & connect & learn your Deen, it's a safety for the days that are coming. If you take away the Imamness of the home, there is nobody guiding. & if there is nobody guiding, then Prophet ﷺ taught that Shaitan is the Imam of the home. You can't have women trying to control of everything to tell him what not to do. So have to learn the Deen that has power. This is a knowledge that has power in reality. & as a result of learning the Deen & making the connection, your home is safe from difficulties & calamities. & when sickness comes, Allah ﷻ by blessing of the Imam of the home would lessen everything. If there is no blessing in the Imam, a sickness come & spreads to everything. & everybody in bad trouble.

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