Sunday, March 21, 2021

🌟 Live Milad & ZikrAllah With Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi- Sufi Meditation Center

🌟 Live Milad & ZikrAllah With Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi- Sufi Meditation Center

- Safety & protection of newborns - 01:48:40

- The child is a sponge & relies upon the action of the household - 01:49:55

- The one who has the most light is the one who carries the burdens in your life - 01:50:05

- If people come in with negative energies, those negative energies would go to that one who has the most light - 01:50:20

- That's the law of energy, the positive charge would collect all the negative charge. That's why we keep the association of positive people - 01:50:30

- So, when we turn on the zikr, the Sheikh has the most positive, the zikr has the most positive. They're able to bring energies into your home & pull out all the negativity - 01:50:40

- Sheikh Nazim, "Those who distance themselves from Awliya, they distance themselves from Allah's ra'hma" - 01:50:55

- The shaitan comes & says, "I don't like these people" & you turn the zikr off. Now What happens? You're not doing zikr. Who has the positive energy? Then the children carry the burden. Cause they're Mazlum. They're youngster - 01:51:10

- So the person comes from work angry, other one comes from work shopping, this energy comes home, where does it go? They start up kiss the child & touching, all the energies go to the child cause the child is the Awliya of the house. It came from paradise, what has he done wrong? So he has the Wilaya, the sainthood. So he carries everything & the child becomes sick. They carry the burden of what is happening inside the home - 01:51:30

- So that's the importance of Tariqa, the practices & everything - 01:52:00

- The tariqa comes & establishes that IT'S A BATTLE OF ENERGIES. So put taweez in your home & put taweez in children & when you come into the house, do wudu, your energy practices are understood. Don't touch the him. Don't kiss his lips. Don't do anything to convey energy to that child like that - 01:52:10

- & When you do have wudu, then you can kiss their hands & but don't put your mouth to the mouth of the child. Cause they could carry the burdens directly. Don't let relatives to kiss their mouth. These things are not accepted - 01: 52:25

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