Thursday, February 16, 2012


Al-Fatihah Part 1

- descriptive noun in proper noun - 05:30
- mother of the book - 05:40
- um - 07:00
- major 3 themes (maqsad) of the qur'an - 08:05
1. tawhid (explanation of allah)
2. tadhkira (news)
3. ahkam (rulings, commandments & prohibitions)

- christians r the ones who lead astray & jews r d ones allah was angry with - 12:10
- outward prospective (worship) & inward prospective (seek help) - 17:30
- flag of an army - 22:20
- seven repeated verses - 24:10 
- duel form - 27:20
- as-salah - 29:45
- ash-shifa (rukiya) - 32:15
- ad-du'a - 34:40
- as-sual - 34:45
- an-nur - 35:20
- greatest surah in qur'an - 36:35

- glad tidings of two lights - 38:15
1. surah fatiha.
2. last few verses of bakarah.

- "allah gives someone who praises him more than the one who simply asks from him" - 41:25

- "over 300 scriptures was revealed summarized in 4 books. 3 books of them is summarized in 1 book, the qur'an. the qur'an is summarized in one surah, fatiha. surah fatiha is summarized in one verse" (v-4) - 43:05

- rule of recitation - 46:30
1. quit prayer (recite) - 46:40
2. when imam is reciting the prayer (listen) - 47:00

- khushu' & kira'a - 48:20

- seeking refuge in allah, (nahl, 16-98) [action of the heart] - 49:45
1. nuh a.w.s (hud, 11-47) - 52:55
2. yusuf a.w.s (12-23) - 53:15
3. musa a.w.s (baqarah, 2-67) - 53:35
4. rasulullah s.a.w, "o allah, i seek refuge in ur pleasure from ur anger. i seek refuge in ur safety from ur punishment & i seek refuge in u from u. i can never praise u enough. u'r as u've praised urself". - 53:50

اَللّهُمَّ إِنِّيْ أَعُوْذُ بِرِضَاكٍ مِنْ سَخَطِكْ -
وَبِمُعَافَاتِكْ مِنْ عُقُوْبَتِكَ -
وَأَعُوْذ بِكَ مِنْكَ -
لَا أُحْصِيْ ثَنَاءٍ عَلَيْكَ -
أَنْتَ كَمَا أَثَنِيْتَ عَلَى نَفْسِكَ -

- word shaitan {(far away) from all forms of good} or, fiery material - 56:00
- bismillah (suratul nam, 27-30) - 58:15
- why bismillah before & not after? - 01:02:20
- why the verb being left out - 01:03:35
- signification of "ba" - 01:04:20
1. meaning of seeking help.
2. seek companionship.
- i seek aid in all the names of allah - 01:07:50

Al-Fatihah Part 2

- word "allah" is a derived noun (free basic letters) - 04:45
- root letters - 05:10

- "reflect over the bounties of allah, but don't reflect over allah himself" - 08:10

- who's worshiped - 10:50
- al-elah - 11:00
- to desire, fitra, (natural disposition of man to recognize the existence of his creator) - 11:55
- a'raf,7-172 - 13:40


- "there're three things that if a person has inside of him, he tastes the sweetness of eman- allah & the messenger r more beloved to him than anything else" - 19:30
- "ar-rahman" & "ar-rahim" derived nouns of "rahima" - 30:05
- "rahman" (merciful to all mankind) mentioned 57 times - 30:25
- "rahim" (womb) (merciful to the believers) mentioned 114 times (2 X rahman) [114 surah] - 30:30
- WHY? - 46:00
- "the pleasure of my eyes has been placed on salah" - 35:30

- "if a believer truly understood the punishment that's stored for the ppl in the here after, there'd be no person who wouldn't desire jannah" (way's this easy) - 42:35
- "if a kafir knew the extent of allah's mercy, he'd never despair" (way's this easy) - 43:10


- allah is even merciful to his enemies - 44:55
- "love ur enemy" - going against ur fitrah - 45:35
- "the one who shows no mercy to mankind, allah will show no mercy to him" - 51:45

Al-Fatihah Part 3

- hamd, madh & shukar - 01:45
- hamd (tongue) - 06:40
- shukar (internal recognition, tongue & to please) - 06:45
- al-isra, 17-111 - 07:25
- al-saba, 34-13 - 08:00
- phrases - 13:40

1. alhamdalah (alhamdulillah)

2. basmala (bismillah)

3. hawkala (lahawla walakuwata illabillah)

4. hialah (haiya alas-salah)

- ibrahim, 14-39 - 25:35
- naml, 27-15 - 26:05
- fatir, 35-34 - 26:40
- a'raf, 7:43 - 27:00
- "there is no blessing except that alhamdulillah is better than that blessing" - 30:45
- "rab" mentioned 500 times - 43:00
- "'alamin" - 53:35

Al-Fatihah Part 4

- the fact that ar-rahmanir rahim has been mentioned here, it's an indirect prove that the basmala is not actually a part of fatiha - 01:35
- why ar-rahmanir rahim is mentioned after alhamdulillahi rabbil 'alamin in particular - 02:15
- ar-rahmanir rahim (hope) + malik kiyaumuddin (fear) = balance - 02:40
- targib & tarhib - 03:30
- sura gafir - 04:05
- every king is an owner but every every owner is not a king - 07:10
- din, dayn, debt (pay someone back) - 15:45
- 5 names - 18:25
1. lillah/allah
2. rab
3. ar-rahman
4. ar-rahim
5. malik
- ar-rahman (general mercy for both believer & disbeliever alike) - 20:10
- iltifat (the way a person speaks, it changes all of a sudden) - 22:10
- al-abasa, example of iltifat - 24:05
- ur praising allah s.w.a. in a gradual manner until u reach a level where u now deserve to speak to allah directly - 26:40
- it's u alone WE worship not, I worship (nun of plurality) - 30:25
- "when a true servant says that statement, he realize that his ebada is so insignificant that he feels shameful so say, "it's u I worship" - 31:15
- allah s.w.a. isn't gonna reject everyone's 'ebada coz someone's 'ebada is worng (salatul jama'a) - 34:00
- u alone, exclusivity, statement of devotion - 38:10
- e'akana'budu is very similar to kalimatut tawhid - 38:40
- statement of humility - 40:25
- there are 15 basic principles of worship/guide line - 44:40

- we can worship allah in 3 ways - 44:45
1. heart
2. tongue
3. limbs

- ahkam al-taklifia - 45:05
1. fard
2. sunnah
3. haram
4. makruh
5. mubah
- essence of 'ebada, maximum humanity combined & love - 46:55

- 3 levels of worship - 47:25
1. worship out of desire for reward & fear of punishment (LOW LEVEL)
- u've made worshiping allah, u've used him as means to obtain ur objective - 49:20
2. worship allah in order to be honored to be among servants of allah (HIGHER LEVEL) - 50:20
3. worship allah bcz he's ur creator, ur lord, deserves to be worshiped & bcz of ur lowly state, ur a servant to allah, ur indeed of him, ur a fakir (HIGHEST LEVEL) - 51:00

- COMPLETE WAY is combination of ALL THREE - 52:00

- extreme sufism (1st level) - 52:20
- two important principles to fulfill 'ebada - 53:25

- there is no way to worship allah unless he assists us & gives us the ability (hawkala) - 55:50

- "o the one who made sulaiman a.w.s. understand, make me understand" - 57:50

the here after series

HD | Death - 2 | Imam Anwar Al Awlaki The Here After Series

- sleep is the minor death - 01:40
- father abdullah ibn ahmed, "no not yet" - 02:35
- shaitan emphasizes & gives especial attention to the last moments of ur life - 04:50
- if u'r loosing to shaitan now the battle is easy. what'd happen to ur last moments when it gets tough? - 05:05
- if u'r already loosing the battle now when shaitan is giving u half of his attention, what'll happen when he gives u his complete attention? - 05:15
- "o allah i seek refuge in u from the fitnah of life & death" - 05:25
- reasons for evil ending - 05:35
- "whoever dies on something'll be resurrected on it" - 05:45
- death in hajj - 05:50
- death in jihad - 05:55
- "o allah make the best of my deeds the last deeds" - 06:20
- "all of ur life ur doing the action of the ppl of jannah & in the end u messed up & then u end up in hell-fire. & the opposite can happen too" - 06:50
- reasons for evil ending - 07:10
1. corruption & defect in the believe - 07:20
- ibn kaium, "we don't except allah'll mislead anyone who was on the straight except that the person had an hidden defect" - 09:35
- greatest losers in respect to their deeds - 10:20
2. the version from the straight path - 11:00
- "the thing i fear most in u is the man who memorizes qur'an until the light of qur'an shows up on his face & then he detaches himself from the ayath of allah & he carries the sword on his neighbor & he accuses him of shirk" - 15:00
- story of barsisa - 16:15
- "the ones who've the fear of allah're the scholars" - 24:15
- story of abdur ibn abdur rahim - 24:50
- o rasulullah, gimme the best advice that wouldn't have to ask anybody else for another advice - 29:00
3. insistence on sinning - 30:35
- "check mate" - 31:30
- "when u grow up on something ur gonna die on that thing" - 35:30
- "the ones who feel safe & secure're from the punishment of allah r the losers" - 35:45
4. weak faith - 36:10
- "how come we dislike death?" - 36:50
- "o death, don't think that i've ever wanted to live in this dunya bcoz of the love of this world. the reason why i wanted to live in this world is to fast in the hard summer days & to pray at night in long cold winter nights" - 39:20
- THE LAST VERSE OF RASULULLAH, "o allah the highest companions" - 40:45

HD | The Grave and Journey of the Soul | Imam Anwar Al Awlaki The Here After Series

- "the grave is the first step toward akhira. if u make it through it, then whatever comes after will be easier & if u can't make it through the gave then whatever'll happen after's worse" - 05:45
- "everything horrific that i've seen, the gave is more horrific" - 06:30
- rasulullah s.a.w. is the father for this ummah - 07:30
- "graves're dark but allah's gonna give'em light bcz of my salah on'em" - 08:10
- hug of the grave - 08:30
- "the grave squeezes, if anyone would've been saved from this squeeze, it would've been saad ibn muaz, this's the man whom the arsh of allah shake for his death, gates of heavens open up for, 70 thousand angels accompanied in his janaza. but the grave squeezed him then it released him" - 08:45
- even the child's squeezed by the grave - 10:25
- fitna tul qabar - 10:35
- munkar ^ nakir - 11:45
- the three questions - 11:50
1. who's ur lord?
2. what's ur religion?
3. who's ur prophet?
- it has been revealed to me that u'd go through fitna in ur graves similar to the fitna of ad-dajjal - 16:45
- "there's no fitna since adam was created till the day of judgement more severe than the fitna of ad-dajjal & everyone of us'll go through similar to that in our graves" - 17:10
- heart hard as rock - 18:10
- "this ummah'll go through tests in the grave. if it wasn't for the back that u wouldn't burry ur dead, i would've asked allah to allow u to hear what's happening underground" - 19:35
- handsome person with pleasant face to live with till day of judgement, good deeds - 22:55
- "i learned that everyone of us has some loved ones & loved things. some of things things we're gonna leave in dunya, in home. some of the things we'll come with us to our graves. but when we go to the grave, no one'll be with us. no loved one or loved things'll be with us in our graves except for our good deeds, that's why i've taken my good deeds to be beloved to me" - 23:40
- window showing paradise/hell-fire - 24:45
- "o allah start the day of judgement" - 25:00
- evil ugly looking person with stinking smell to stay with till the day of judgement, bad deeds - 46:40
- physical & psychological punishment - 27:05
- "o allah don't start the day of judgement" - 27:15
- can a muslim be punished in his grave? - 27:20
- causes of punishment of the grave (specific reasons) - 28:05
1. stealing
2. slanderer
3. not cleaning after urination
- 4, 5, 6 & 7 - 31:50
- dream of rasulullah s.a.w. (dreams of ambia're wahi) - 32:00
`1st - man sitting down & someone is throwing an iron hooks in his mouth & they're tearing up his mouth & they're coming out from the end of his neck - 32:40
`2nd - man laying on his back & someone standing over him with a big rock in his hands & he'd though it on the man lying down & crush his head & then the rock, stone'ld roll so by the time he goes & picks up the rock, the head'd grow up again. then he'd smash it again & he'd keep on doing that consistently - 33:15
`3rd - an oven that looks like a cone. narrow from the top & wide from the bottom. there're some men & women inside. fire'd erupt from beneath'em & it'd burn them so they'd scream & would try to climb out of the oven but bcz of it's like a cone, they keep'n sliding down into the fire - 33:45
`4th river of blood & someone's swimming. whenever he wants to get outta river of blood, there's someone standing on the shore & would through a big rock in his mouth that'd push him back in the river. & he'd try to come out of again then he'd through another rock on mouth & it'd push him back to the river of blood - 34:25
`5th green beautiful garden. in the middle of the garden there was a huge tree next to the tree there's an old man surrounded with many children & then there was another man on the side he had fire between his hands & was igniting the fire making it burn even more. then they took me out of the tree into a room. i've never seen a room beautiful than that room. there was old & young men & women & children. then they took me out of that room & carried my up to another room that was even more beautiful. i went in there & saw some young & old men - 34:50
` they told me...
* 1st man with hooks = liar. the lie carried all around the world - 35:50
- trying to put a camel between the gap of a needle - 36:20
- "lying leads to corruption & corruption leads to hell-fire & a man'd keep on lying until allah'd write him down as a liar" - 36:45
* 2nd man, head crushed with stone = person who learned qur'an but wouldn't follow it during the day time & won't recite in the night time - 37:00
* 3rd, men & women in the oven = ones who used to commit zinah - 38:05
* 4th swimming on the river of blood = used to deal with interest (punishment in the grave) - 38:05
- "the one who used to deal with riba, when he comes outta grave, the angels'd give him weapons & they'd tell him go & fight with allah" - 39:00
- "if u deal with interest then there's an announced & waged war against u by allah & allah will wage this war on u on the day of judgement & to be fair with u he'd give u weapons to fight with him with. eventually it's hell-fire" - 39:15
- allah has not waged against anyone except two ppl.. - 39:55
1. the one who fights with the awlia of allah
2. the one who deals with interest
* 4th old man sitting next to the tree=ibrahim, children=children who died in young age, man who was burning the fire=malik (guardian of hell-fire) - 40:20
* 5th, beautiful room on the tree=room reserved for the believers, room above=for shahada - 40:35
- "i'm jibrail & this is mikail, now look up. so rasulullah looked up above the sky & saw way up in the skay & what appeared to be like clouds. they told me that's ur home" - 40:55
- debt, will be held from entering jannah - 41:55
- excessive weeping of his/her family - 42:30
- what saves from the punishment of the grave - 43:40
1. good deeds
- "when the dead person is buried, he's able to hear the footsteps of the ppl when they're leaving his grave & then his good deeds'll surround him. salah'll come next to his head, fasting'll come to his right side, zakah'll come on his left side & other good deeds'll come next to his feet. so whenever this person'd be attacked from the head, the salah'll say no u can't come from this side. whenever the attack is from the right side, the siam'd say no u can't come from this side. zakah'll say u can't come from this side. other good deeds will say u can't come from the side of the feet. they'll make a shield protecting him from every direction" - 43:45
2. seeking refuge to allah from the punishment of the grave - 44:40
- "اللهم اني اعوذ بك من عذاب جهنم,
ومن عذاب القبر,
ومن فتنة المحيا والممات,
ومن فتنة الدجّال‎"
(after saying tashahud in salah & before salah) - 44:45
- who're the ones is saved from the trials of the grave - 45:55
1. shahid
- "there are six qualities for a shahid...
a)he'll be forgiven from the first blood that comes from his body,
b)see his place'n paradise,
c)safe from the punishment of the grave,
d)safe from the fear of day of judgement,
e)the crown of tranquility will be place on his head one emerald in it'll be worth of world & everything in it,
f)married to 72 virgins,
g)given intersession in 70 of his relatives - 46:05
- "the shining of the sword over his head is enough for a fitna for him" - 47:40
2. a soldier who's placed in a position away from his home guarding the muslims, waiting for instructions to fight - 48:40
- "everyone's deed'd be terminated the moment they die except for the one who dies as a murabat (tutor). allah'll continue his deeds for him & they'll keep on growing until the day of judgement. & he'd be spared from the fitna of the grave" - 49:30
3. the person who dies in the day of jum'a - 49:55

HD | Minor Signs of the Day 1 | Imam Anwar Al Awlaki The Here After Series

- "there'll be a fire that'll come out of al-hijaz & the light of it will reach to ash-sham & u'd be able to see the next of the camels at night" (happened once) - 04:10
- "there'd be a lot of massacre & killing" - 04:45
- "peace'll spread, insecurity & conflict'll spread" - 05:20

- 1st sign, "i was sent as close to the day of judgement like these two fingers're close to each other" - 05:45

- the life of the human in this earth is like a day & rasulullah s.a.w. & his message-hood's at afternoon, it's almost sunset - 06:15

- 2nd sign, the death of rasulullah - 06:35

- "whenever u'r afflicted with a problem then remember ur problem'n losing me & ur problem'll be insignificant" - 07:15
- "when rasulullah came to madina, madina was all light & when rasulullah passed away, madina was all dark & as soon as we buried rasulullah & the dirt of his grave's still on our hands, we felt that our hearts changed" - 07:50

- 3rd sign, the opening of jerusalem - 08:55

- "we're ppl who're humiliated. allah azza wajaal honored us with islam. if we seek honor in any other way, allah'll humiliate us" - 11:35
- dress with 14 patches - 12:15

- 4th sign, the plague, 18th year of hijra, "a death that'll eat u away like a certain illness or 
disease that afflicts goats" - 13:45

- more than 25 thousand muslims died in that plague - 14:30

- 5th sign, the abundance of wealth, "wealth'll be so abundant that a man'd be given 100 dinar & the wouldn't be satisfied - 14:55

- "a time'll come when a man'd go out with zakah of gold & wouldn't find anyone who'd accept it" - 17:00
- "the earth'd vomit columns of gold & silver. the murderer'd come & say i killed ppl for this. the thief'd say i used to steal for this. the one who betrayed family & cut his kingship'd say i betrayed & fought my family for this & then nobody'll take it" - 17:50
- the river of euphrates'd uncover a mountain of gold & then rasulullah said "if u see that leave it alone coz out of every 100 of gold there 99'd be killed - 18:45
- "i was given with the keys of the treasures of the earth. i don't worry poverty. that's not my concern. i'm not concerned that u might be poor. my concern is that u'd compete on this world & that'd destroy u" - 19:15
- whatever the poverty we've in this ummah now isn't bcz of lack of resources. bcz the best that the world can offer is'n the muslim world. the problem's unfair distribution, oppression, ppl'r not giving out their zakah or sadakah - 19:55
- allah'll not give us barakah'n our rizk unless we follow the terms of shari'a in business law - 21:15

- 6th sign, times of trials & tribulations, "do good deeds before the times of trials & tribulations that're like darkness of a night. in those times a man'd be a believer'n the morning, bu night time, he's a disbeliever. & another person'd be a believer at night time, bu the morning, he'd be a disbeliever. why? bcz they're selling their religion for their worldly benefit" - 21:40

- "in the names of allah we've seen these ppl. forms but no minds. bodies without any conscious. like moths attracted to a fire & flies attracted by green. they'd go for two derhams & they'd come back for 2 derhams. a person'll sell the religion for a price of a gold" - 23:40
- "in the end, the one who's sitting is better than the one who's standing. those're the one who're standing're better than the one who's walking. the ones who're walking're the ones better than the ones who're running. so break ur bows & stay home & if anybody enters into ur home then be like the best of two sons of adam" - 25:05
- rasulullah pointed to the east & said "the fitan'll come out from here. that's where the horns of shaitan come out", east of madina - 27:10
- many of the deviant sects came out from the east - 28:05
- assassination of uthman was the first fitna & it opened the doors of every fitan after it - 28:40
- the assassination of umar r.a.a. was done by a disbeliever but the assassination of uthman was done by ppl under the name of islam. that's why it opened the door of disunity - 31:45
- rasulullah to uthman r.a.a "allah'll give u a cloth if the ppl ask u to take it off, don't" - 32:30
- ali ibn abu talib r.a.a, "give me ur orders & we'll fight'em" - 33:15
- uthman ibn affan, "i don't want one drop of blood to be shed for my cause" - 33:25
- "o mountain of ohud, stay stabe, don't move. bcz on top of u's a prophet, a siddique & two shahids" - 34:25
- "u know that uthman ibn affan was killed & there's a fitna & the killers of uthman're gonna spread all over & the problem'll get bigger & it's gonna take a while until the ummah make shura. therefore u must be the khalifa" - 35:10
- killers of uthman infiltrated the army of ali, thousands - 35:40
- talha, zubair & aisha r.a.a. they wanted the killers of uthman to brought into justice - 35:55
- shaira=if somebody is killed/murdered then his closest relatives're the ones who ask for justice - 36:30
- ali, "i'm waiting for the diseased to come forth" - 37:05
- zubair, talha & aisha agreed, things were fine - 37:10
- the killers who're in the army of ali attacked zubair, talha & aisha - 37:15
- zubair & talha thought ali attacked - 37:40
- rasulullah to ali, "something'll happen between u & aisha. when that happens then take her back to safety" - 38:00
- "there'll be a war between two big armies of muslims & they'll be fighting for the same cause" HOW COULD U FIGHT FOR THE SAME REASON? - 39:25
- mu'awiya was the wali of uthman having the authority to ask for justice of uthman - 40:15
- mu'awiya to ali, "hand me over the ones who killed my cousin" - 40:35
- ali to mu'awiya, "i'll. but i need to establish my authority first" - 40:45
- mu'awiya, "not gonna give u bai'a until u hand'em over - 41:15
- right side was obviously ali ibn abu talib - 41:35
- mu'awiya was the brother-in-law of rasulullah, umma-habiba binte abu sufian - 42:00
- rasulullah to ammar ibn yasir, "u'ld be killed by the transgressing side" - 42:25
- rasulullah called both armies as muslim - 45:55
- mu'awiya was losing & surrendered by put the qu'ran on top of their swords - 43:20
- some of the ppl wanted the fight to continue. they existed in both sided. benifiting from the bloodshed of muslims - 44:15
- they said, "how can ali ibn abu talib give up? this's the hukum of allah to fight'em. ali is putting the order of men over the order of allah" - 44:25
- they accused ali of kufr & they accused mu'awiya & ummar ibn a'as of kufr earlier & they broke out from the army of ali=KHAWARIJ - 44:50
- beginning of the formation of sect, khawarij - 45:15
- THE MAJOR CHARACTERISTICS OF AL-KHAWARIJ IS EXTREMISM & that existed during the time of rasulullah - 45:40
- man from benu tamim to rasulullah, "be just" - 46:05
- umar ibn al khattab, "can i chop off his head ya rasulullah" - 46:45
- "leave him alone. he will've followers, descendants or companions whom u'd see ur prayer compare to their's insignificant. ur fast compared to their's insignificant but they read qur'an but that doesn't pass through their throats. they'd leave religion like the arrow'd leave the target". sometimes if u shoot a target if the shot of the arrow is so strong & it hits the target with a powerful strength. the arrow'd leave the target so fast that u wouldn't even notice or won't pick up any blood - 46:50
- NOTE: these same ppl're the ones who killed uthman, caused fight between ali, zubair & talha, forcing the war between ali & mu'awiya. & when they saw peace, they broke off. when they saw bloodshed, they participated & joined but when they peace among the muslims they didn't like it & they wanted bloodshed to continue - 49:30
- SIGN OF RASULULLAH = one of them'd be a dark man. one of his arms'd be like a breast of a woman (no bones) - 50:15
- ali... i'd give u three things - 50:45
1. i wouldn't prevent u from praying in our masajid.
2. i'll give u ur share of booties of war & money of the muslim ummah when it's shared.
3. i'll leave u alone as long as u leave the muslims alone.
- beginning of war between ali & them - 51:10
- battle of nahawan - 52:10
- "i went & i saw with my own eyes & he had the exact the same descriptions of rasulullah & he was lying with the dead" - 52:30
- "we've never found anyone of the khawarij who has ever lied on rasulullah" - 53:55
- "their fitna'll continue. whenever one generation of'em leaves another generation'll come up again. until the time of ad-dajjal" - 54:25
- they can't continue. they end up fighting among themselves & they destroy themselves. they kill each other out or they're killed by outside forces. but extremism then comes up in the minds of different ppl & a new generation comes out. & then they fight & they cause bloodshed until they're eliminated & they come out in another place. so it's not a liner continuation where one generation is teaching the next. bcz they can't agree with each other & they end up fighting each other - 54:00
- "whenever one generation of'em comes out they'll be amputated & then another generation'll come out & they'll be amputated. rasulullah repeated the statement more than 20 times & then he said that then dajjal'll come out" - 55:50
- "they're the worst of ppl bcz they took ayath of qur'an describing/referring to the nonbelievers & they applied on the believers. MAJOR CHARACTERISTIC - THEY'RE VERY EASY IN ACCUSING PPL OF DISBELIEVE" - 56:40
- death of al-hussain ibn ali ibn abu talib r.a.a. - 57:15
- rasulullah was once presented with red dirt by gibrail a.w.s. & was said that ur grandson will be killed & this is the dirt of the area were he'll be killed in - 57:20
- biggest fitan of ummah, during the time of yajid ibn mu'awiya - 57:50
- mu'awiya attacked madina & he committed bloodshed for days killing many of the descendants of al-ansar r.a.a - 58:55
- "the rains of trial & trouble was falling on the houses of madina" - 59:15

- 7th sign, false prophets, "the day of judgement'll not occur until 30 false prophets arise. everyone of'em claiming that he's a messenger" - 59:30

- rasulullah is talking about the false prophets who end up having a sizable following & become famous & well known - 01:00:25
- musaila al-kazzab in yamamah from benu-hanifa & aswad la-ansi from sam'a in yemen - 01:01:10
- "the liar of benu hafia is better than the truthful of quraish" - 01:02:25
- battle of hadiqa - 01:04:30
- sajjah, woman claimed to be a prophet - 01:05:05
- aswad la-ansi - 01:05:25
- toliha al-ashdi - 01:05:40
- mukhtar ibn ubayd al saqafi - 01:06:20
- mirza gulam ahmed, qadiani - 01:06:30

HD | 
Minor Signs of the Day - 2 | Imam Anwar Al Awlaki The Here After Series

- 8th sign, peace & fitna will spread - 00:55

- "the ones before u, they'd bring one of'em & would put'em in a hole in the ground & they'd bring a saw & put it on the top of their head & would cut'em into two pieces still they wouldn't give up their religion. they'd bring another muslim & would cone him with cones of iron until they separate the flesh from the bones & the person'd not give up their religion. but u'r ppl who're in a hurry" - 02:00
- "a time'll come when the land of the arabs'll be rivers & forests, will be green. & a traveler'll leave from iraq to makkah fearing no one but getting lost" - 04:35
- "a time'll come when there'll be so much wealth & security in this ummah that a woman'd leave from al-hira to makkah fearing no one except allah" - 05:10
- complete spread of peace'll be in the time of isa ibn maryam & imam al-mahdi - 07:35

- 9th sign, appearance of fire in hijaz - 08:20

- "the our wouldn't established until the fire'd come outta hijaz (madina & makkah) & it'd through light on next of the camels of busra (syria)" - 08:20
- volcano in madina - 09:55

- 10th sign, war with turkey - 10:15

- "the hour wouldn't be established until u fight with the turkes. ppl with small eyes, red faces & flat noses. their faces look like shield coded with leather. the hour wouldn't be established till u fight with ppl who's shoes're made up of hair" this is the exact description of the ppl living in that area - 10:45
- two million muslims're killed in bagdad & they'd take their skulls & build out of it a pyramid. then they went into the library of bagdadh & took all the books & they used it as a bridge to cross over the euphrates river - 12:50
- "then u'll find that some of the best ppl in this religion're ppl who has started as worst enemies of this religion until they entered the religion of islam & the rest of u'r in jahelia & are the best of u if u learn" - 14:05
- mongolians adapted the muslim religion. it doesn't happen in the history that the victorious adopts the religion of the losers - 14:25
- khilafa of uthmania, immigrant of central asia, they defeated roman/byzantine umpire - 15:15

- 11th sign, the loss of trust - 16:45

- "if trust is lost then wait for the hour" - 17:10
- "when authority's given to those who don't deserve it then wait for the hour" - 17:30
- "if u appoint someone in a position of leadership & he'd know that there's a muslim who'd do a better job, then u've cheated the muslims" - 18:05

- 12th sign, knowledge'll subside & ignorance'll prevail - 18:50

- "some of the signs that the knowledge'll be lifted up & ignorance'll replace it" - 18:55
- "allah doesn't take away the knowledge by taking it away from the hearts of the ppl but takes it away by the deaths of the religious learned men till when none of the religious learned men remains, ppl'll take their leaders, ignorant persons who'll consultant & will give their verdict without any knowledge. so they'll go astray & will lead the ppl astray" - 19:30
- in the time of sahaba, they'd run away from giving verdict - 20:45
- umar ibn al-khattab "did this happen? go back. when it happens then come back & ask us & i'll gather the ones who're in the battle of badr then we're gonna consult. i'm not gonna give the fatwa by myself. we're gonna bake shura" - 21:25
- man from morocco, 40 questions to imam malik. imam malik responded with he didn't know, allah knows best to 36 questions - 22:10
- "they killed him may allah kill'em" - 24:00
- "why don't they ask when they don't know? bcz the cure of ignorance is asking" - 24:20
- decrease in the knowledge of religion/shari'a not the knowledge of dunya - 24:50
- "islam'd erode like the marks on ur cloths'd erode or wash away" - 25:25
- "islam'll fade away slowly & slowly until nothing'll remain & ppl wouldn't know about salah, siyam, 'ebada. nothing'll be known & allah'll take all of the qur'an from the earth. there won't even be one verse left in one night" - 25:50
- "there'll be ppl left old men & women who'd say we used to hear our forefathers say LA ELAHA ILLALLAH & we're saying it now. that's all they'd remember from islam" - 26:30
- "what'd LA ELAHA ELLALLAH would do for them?" ... "LA ELAHA ELLALLAH would save'em from hell-fire" ... allah'd excuse'em for their ignorance & would accept from'em LA ELAHA ELLALLAH - 27:10
- "there'd come a time when the name of allah wouldn't be mentioned in the face of the earth" - 28:40
- there won't be any prevention of evil - 28:55
- "the day of judgement'll not occur until allah'll take all the righteous ppl away from the earth & then there'd be ppl who won't know anything" - 29:35
- "the ppl'll wake up at morning & they'll know no more qur'an left" - 30:00
- "allah'll take away to the extent that not even one ayath'll remain in the heart of the ppl & not one letter'll remain in the mushaf" BCZ THE PPL WON'T DESERVE IT - 30:15

- 13th sign, the increase of security forces - 30:30

- "there'll be a time when there'll be security forces they'll leave in the morning with the wrath of allah on'em & they'd come back at night with the wrath of allah on'em. be-careful don't be one of their associate" - 30:50
- security forces who're guarding the rulers of governments  & they're not guarding the religion of allah - 31:35
- imam abu hanifa, imam malik (shoulder was dislocated), imam shafa'i (about to put into jail but he managed to get outta it), imam ahmad (tortured in jail), ibn taimia (thrown in jail & died in jail)  - 32:45

- 14th sign, zina prevails - 33:15

- "if zina prevail & ppl advertise it in public then allah'll afflict'em with diseases that didn't exist in their forefathers", AIDS, Hepatitis B, C - 33:40
- "allah'll take away the souls of the believers & then in the end the evil ppl'll remain & they'd have sexual relations just like donkeys" - 35:05
- "this ummah'll not end until a time'll come when a man'll approach to a woman & will sleep with her in the middle of the road/street, in front of everyone. the best of'em (righteous) at that time'd come & tell'em IF U COULD PLS GO BEHIND THAT WALL" - 35:50
- "we've made halal difficult & haram easy" - 38:00
- "if a man comes to u & wants to marry ur daughter & ur pleased with his religion & his character & u refuse to marry him, then there'll be fitna on the world & there'll be great corruption" - 39:30
- "the rich ppl they'll do great sadaka & reward if they'd be the cause for the marriage of 3/4 couples in their lifetime. rather than giving money to the beggars found in the doors of the masjid - 40:25
- muslim losing spain (extravagant life) - 41:40

- 15th sign, spread of riba - 43:40

- it is one of the two sins only where allah has announced that he'll wage war against the one who does that sin - 44:05
1. riba
2. whoever takes my awlia, my friends as enemies
- the one who deals with riba'd be resurrected as if devil is obsessing the person. we'll be given weapons & would be told prepare for war - 44:50
- in the time of rasulullah there was two types of riba - 45:30
1. riba al-fadl - adding amount
2. riba al-nasia - based on time
- "a time'll come when everyone'd deal with interest & whoever isn't dealing with riba then the dust of riba'll befall'em" - 47:50
- the whole world is sinking in the sea of interest/riba - 59:50
- "a time'll come when ppl won't care where they get their money from, halal or haram - 50:35
- for such ppl they'll be held accountable about every penny, how did they make it & how did they spend it. this's the one of the 4 questions that everyone'll be asked - 51:05

- 16th sign, the decoration of al-masajid - 51:20

- "a time'll come when ppl'll be proud or will compete in building masajid, which masjid is more beautiful - 51:40
- the roofs of the masjid of rasullullah in madina was of the leaves of palm tree - 51:55
- umar ibn al-khattab build the roof which is waterproof. beware don't use RED or YELLOW. bcz u'd distract ppl - 53:05
- "a time'll when ppl'll be proud with the masajid but nobody'll revive them" - 53:45
- "there'll come a time when u'll decorate the masjid like jews & christians" - 55:10
- there's a company that invented a machine that'd count how many raka'a u've done - 55:15
- "if u decorate ur masjid & qu'ran then distraction'll follow" - 56:15
- it's a sign that ppl going toward symbolism & leaving the substance - 57:30

- 17th sign, construction of tall buildings - 57:45

- "u'll find barefoot, naked & poor shepherds of goats & sheep competing in building in tall buildings" - 57:55
- sign of ppl of a'ad - 01:00:10

- 18th sign, the slave woman gives birth to her owner - 01:00:50

- jibril a.w.s. asked rasulullah about the signs of the day of judgement. rasulullah said the woman'd (slave) give birth to her master - 01:01:05
- rude children, slave & master relationship - 01:01:20
- parents come second to allah in terms of our obligations - 01:03:30

HD |  Minor Signs of the Day - 3 | Imam Anwar Al Awlaki The Here After Series

- 19th sign, bloodshed spreads, lives of ppl'll be cheap - 00:55

- "this isn't u killing the disbelievers, it's u killing urselves" - 03:30
- "the minds of the ppl at that time'll be taken away. there'll be lowly ppl who'll think that they're following something but they won't be following anything. they'll have weak brains" - 04:05
- "a time'll come when the killer won't know why he killed & the killed won't know why he was killed & both of'em will be'n hell-fire" - 04:50
- "allah have mercy in this ummah, they won't be punished in akhira but their punishment is'n dunya & that'll be through killing, trials, tribulations, earthquakes & other disasters" - 07:40

- 20th sign, shrinking of time - 08:30

- "a year'll be like a month, a month'll be like a week, a week'll be like a day & a day'll be like burning a leave" - 09:15
- what does that mean - 09:35
1. lack of barakah
- ibn taimia, akidal wasatia, from zhr to asr - 10:50
2. luxurious life, new forms of communicaiton & trasportations - 12:25

- 21st sign, the proximity of markets - 15:35

- 22nd sign, spread of trade - 17:50

- "business'll be widespread to an extent that wives'll help their husbands'n business" - 20:10
- MOM & POPS STORES - 20:20
- "in the name of allah, i ain't worried about poverty'n my ummah but my concern's that they'll become wealthy bcz then they'd compete'n this world like the ppl before u competed & it'll destroy u like it destroyed'em" - 20:45
- whenever poverty exists it's bcz of unfair distribution, abuse of wealth - 21:30

- 23rd sign, appearance of shirk in this ummah - 21:50

- 24th sign, earthquakes, great trials & tribulations - 22:40

- "if u see khilafa approaching to the holy land (palestine) then the time for earthquakes, disasters & great issues'll be approaching & the hour that time'll be closer to the ppl than my hand to ur head" - 23:20

- 25h sign, sinking, stoning & transformation into animals - 24:10

- 26th sign, the rise of the low/insignificant - 25:45

- "there'll be tricky/wicked years where the liar'd be believed & a truthful won't be believed. untrustworthy'd be trusted & trustworthy won't be trusted & the lowly/insignificant'll be talking in the affairs of the ppl" - 26:20
- minister of propaganda of hitler "we're gonna lie until everyone believe us" - 27:00
- "there'll come a time when the world'll belong to the wicked son of the wicked" - 29:40
- "he's cool" - 30:55
- "a time'll come when it'll be said about a man, how intelligent he's. how cool he's & there isn't a single grain of eman in his heart" - 31:20

- 27th sign, salam only to the ones u know - 32:05

- 28th sign, women who're dressed but naked - 33:25

- "their head're like the hump of a camel which's tilted. they won't enter into jannah & they don't even smell the scent of jannah" - 34:20
- scent of jannah can be found from 70 yrs - 34:45

- 29th sign, new forms of transportation - 36:05

- 30th sign, the true dreams for the believers - 38:50

- "towards the end of time the dream of the believers almost never lies" - 39:15
- dreams - 40:20
1. rasulullah approving work
2. rasulullah reviewing the hadith with him
3. rasulullah saying "u'll become a shahid
4. rasulullah to uthman ibn affan "u'r gonna break ur fasting with us"
- "the ones who sees trust dreams're the ones true in their words". the more truthful u'r the more true ur dreams'll be - 41:25
- "the dream of the believer is 1 out of 46 parts of prophet-hood" - 41:50

- 31st sign, spread of print/pen'll prevail/anything written - 43:15

- that doesn't necessarily mean that knowledge'll prevail - 47:05

- 32nd sign, the expansion of the crescent - 48:15

- pollution'n the atmosphere - 50:25

- 33rd sign, lies & fabrication'n religion - 50:35

- we shouldn't be blind followers - 52:30
- "everyone, u take & u leave from their words except the one in this grave" - 52:45

- 34th sign, devils, imprisioned imprisoned by sulaiman a.w.s, come out reciting fabricated recitation - 54:20

- 35th sign, giving false witness & concealing the true witness - 55:45

- false witness was made one of the seven major sins - 57:10

- 36th sign, ratio of women to men increases - 58:20

- EVERY 50 WOMEN'LL BE ONE MAN, battles & wars - 58:50

- 37th sign, sudden death (heart attacks, stokes) - 59:35

- 38th sign, hostility between ppl - 01:02:20

- brothers in public, enemies in private - 01:05:05
- interests & fear for the benefit of this world - 01:06:15
- if it wasn't for the jihad, the places of worship would've been destroyed - 01:07:55

- 39th sign, the arabian peninsula'll be garden again - 00:50

- 40th sign, the sky rains but nothing grows - 04:40

- 41st sign, euphrates river'll reveal a mountain of gold - 06:00

- "the day of judgement'll not occur until the euprates river'll recede & will open a mountain of gold. ppl'll fight on over that mountain & out of every 100, 99'll be killed & everyone'll be saying, i'm the one who'll be saved" - 07:05

- 42nd sign, animals & objects speaking - 08:05

- wolf speaking - 08:40
- "the of judgement won't occur until beasts's speak to the humans, king'd speak to the man, the leather on the shoes'll speak to u & legs'll speak to u about what ur family're doing" - 11:05

- 43rd sign, the desire of dying - 12:55

- "a time'll come when if death're sold, ppl'd buy it" - 14:40
- these trial & tribulations're either test for the ppl or punishment - 15:50

- 44th sign, the population of the romans will increase - 15:55

- "romans're the largest nation in terms of number" - 16:15
- romans = european (caucasian) which'd expand to america, canada, latin america - 16:25

- 45th sign, battles with the romans - 17:40

- persian empire used to rule = iraq, eastern arabia, iran, many of central asian areas - 18:05
- roman empire = turkey, syria, palestine, jordan, lebanon, western parts of iraq, eastern europe - 18:25
- roman muslims fighting with muslims - 19:25
- "a peace agreement between u & the romans & then they'll break out that agreement & a war'll start between muslims & the romans. they're the ones who's gonna attack under 80 banners/battalions, every battalions having 12 thousand soldiers" - 20:05
- 960 thousand soldiers - 20:55
- "u'll have war with arabs & u'd win, then'll have battles with the persians & u'd win, then u'd fight with the romans & allah'd give u victory & u'd fight with dajjal & allah'd give u victory - 22:10
- dajjal won't come until our war with romans's over - 22:45
- arabian peninsula was open during the time of rasulullah s.a.w. - 23:05
- persian empire was under islamic rule under umar ibn al-khattab r.a.a. - 23:15
- "with the persian empire it'd be two knocks (ram with horn hit something) but with romans, they've many horns. whenever one horn's broken, another horn'd come up" - 23:40
- two major battles with persia - 24:05
1. battle of qadsia
2. battle of nahawan
- battles with romans - 24:30
1. battle of tabouk (rasulullah)
2. battle of mu'tah (rasulullah)
3. battle of yarmouk (abu bakr siddique)
4. umar ibn al-khattab
5. uthman ibn affan
6. mu'awiya
7. khilafah of amusia
8. time of abbasin
- eastern roman empire (byzantine) came down in the hand of muhammad al-fateh - 24:55
- then the western roman empire came up & started fighting against ottoman empire - 25:00
- "the day of judgement won't occur until romans go to syria. so an army from madina'd go & meet'em. they'd be the best ppl on earth at that time. when they line up for war, the romans'll say to hand them over the prisoners of war from us. there're romans who broke off from the army or have been taken as prisoners of war by the muslims so that they can kill'em. bcz they've become muslim - 25:40
- "the muslims'll say we're never gonna hand u over our brothers" - 26:35
- the war'll start - 27:05
- 1/3 of the muslim army're gonna run away = there're the ones whom allah'll never accept their tawba (one of the major sins's showing the back to the enemy & running away except it's attack & retreat) - 27:10
- 1/3 of the armies of the muslims'll be killed = these're the best shahada in the eyes of allah - 27:45
- the third left over (1/3) of the muslim army'd be victorious = they'll never go astray - 28:00
- they'll open constantinople (istambul) (previously opened by muhammad al-fateh) - 28:20
- they'd hear a news after that that al-masih ad-dajjal came out - 28:50
- the esa a.w.s'll come out - 29:05
- "the muslim camp'll be in a town called damascus, best of the town in ash-sham" - 29:30

- 46th sign, the opening of constantinople (istanbul) - 30:00

- "do u know about a city where half of it is'n the sea & half of it is'n land? (constantinople)" - 31:05
- italy (venice) = part of it is'n the sea & part of it is'n the land - 31:25
- constantinople (istanbul) = part of it is'n asia & part of it is'n europe - 31:40
- "70,000 from the descendants of ishaq'll attack it. when they'll arrive there, they won't fight with any weapon. they'll say la elaha ellallah wallahu akbar so 1st half of it'll fall down. then they'd say another time la elaha ellallah wallahu akbar & the 2nd half'd fall down & then'n 3rd time they'll say la elaha ellallah wallahu akbar they'll open the whole town & they'll enter it" - 32:10
- descendants of ishaq = romans who're muslim - 32:50
1. to show the miracle of islam
2. good news indicators for the future for the believers

- 47 sign, the reign of al-kahtani - 36:05

- "a man (one of the khulafa, righteous) will come out & he'd be pushing the ppl with his stick" - 36:25
- ancestors of the arabs of yemen're the descendants of kahtan - 37:00

- 48th sign, war with jews - 37:45

- "the jews'll hide behind rocks & tress. the rocks & trees'll tell the muslims, o muslim, o servant of allah, behind me's a jew come & kill'em. with the exception of SHAJARU GHARKAD (Boxthorn tree) - 38:15

- 49th sign, al-madina expelling the evil - 40:55

- "a time'll come when a man'd call his cousins & his relatives telling'em to come to the luxurious life out of madina" - 40:35
- "in the name allah anyone who leaves madina & gives it up, allah'll replace madina with someone better than him" - 42:25
-"al-madina's like a furnish that separates the impurities" - 42:35
- madina has rough environment. very hot & dry. there was a lot of fever'n that time. muhajerin suffered a lot. the ansar handled it coz that's their city. the news got back to makkah that the muhajerin lot their health & they're weak. that's why rasulullah wanted to prove to'em when he made umrah by telling'em to run in the first 3 rounds of tawaf (sunnah). then rasulullah made a du'a to push the fever out of madina. but still the weather of madina is rough - 45:25
- "dajjal'd come close to madina coz he can't enter into madina. madina'll shake 3 times & it'll expel every kafir & munafiq - 47:25
- there'd come a time when madina'd be deserted to the extent that wild animals & birds'll come in - 48:00

- 50th sign, a blessed with taking the souls of the believers - 53:05

- "allah'll send a wind from yemen that's softer than silk & it'll take the soul of everyone who has a single grain of eman in their hearts" - 53:20

- 51st sign, destruction of ka'ba - 54:00

- "the ones who'll transgress against the sanctity of al-ka'ba're gonna be IT'S ppl" - 54:20
- "abyssinian'd come & they'd destroy ka'ba. swakatine (thin legs) from abyssinia'll break ka'ba brick by brick" - 55:00

- 52nd sign, al-mahdi - 55:40

- "form=ahlul bayt. name=muhammad/ahamed ibn abdullah. descendant=hasan ibn ali ibn abu talib & tatima az-zhura. rulling=7 or 8 years" - 56:20
- "there'll be a group of this ummah fighting on truth prevailing until the day of judgement. at the lowest states of the ummah, there'll still be a ppl from the ummah fighting for the shake of this religion. therefore there's always be good in this ummah. what happen to the others before won't happen to this ummah" - 57:20
- "my ummah's like a rain. u don't know where the benefit's" - 58:35
- "i'm giving u the good news of al-mahdi. who'll be sent in my ummah in the times of disputes/catastrophes. he'll replace the oppression & injustice of the world with justice. the dwellers of the earth & heaven'll be pleased with him. he'll give out money equally to the ppl. he'll fill the hearts of ummah of mahammad s.a.w. with satisfaction & content. his justice'll encompass all of'em. he'll announce to the ummah, who needs money? & no one'd respond. except one man who'd stand up & say i. mahdi'll tell him to go to the treasure & tell'em that mahdi is telling u to give me money. he fills up his clothes with money & will regret it saying i was the most greediest person in the ummah of rasulullah. how come i wasn't content as they were? so he'd go back & try to return the money & the treasurer'll say no return. it'll be like 7 or 8 or 9 yrs - 01:00:30
- "if there is one day left in the world allah'll make it longer until allah sends out a man from my household, his name is like my name & the name of his father is like the name of my father. he'd fill the world with justice like it was filled with injustice & oppression" - 01:08:35

- there'e 10 major signs of the day of judgement - 00:55
- 1st minor sign was the message-hood of rasulullah - 01:08
- the major signs of the day of judgement're very close to the day of judgement itself & whenever one of'em happens, the rest're gonna follow very soon. where the minor signs could be hundreds of years/decades between'em - 01:15
- "major signs're bids'n a string. when the string's cut, all of them'll fall down" - 01:40
- signs (these're not in chronological order) - 01:55
1. smoke
2. false messiah
3. beast
4. rise of sun from the west
5. descendancy of isa ibn maryam a.w.s.
6. yajuj & majuj
- 7, 8 & 9 - three earthquakes & earth swallowing - 7) east, 8) west & 9) arabian peninsula
10. fire coming out of yemen & it'll push the ppl in the land of mahshar (place for day of judgement)
- 1st sign, ad-dajjal - 05:35
- al-masih ad-dajjal - 05:50
- al-masih has 50 meanings - 06:05
1. something that's wiped out (one of his eyes)
2. travel all over the world (in 40 days)
3. al-kazzab (dajjal) & al-siddique (isa ibn maryam a.w.s)
- arabic words with two opposite meanings - 06:50
- word "adam" has two meanings, one of them's original & one of'em came later (dark & fair) - 06:55
- adam=dark skin, isa=fair skin - 07:25
4. anointed (isa a.w.s) - 08:00
- meaning of dajjal - 08:10
- words describing something physical then there's other connotations describing other meanings - 08:20
- dajja = coating something with gold (electroplated), looks good outside but inside it's nothing - 09:10
- dajjal means - 09:55
1. deception
2. lying
3. impostor
- descriptions of his appearance - 10:25
- "i've talked about u about dajjal so much. i'm afraid u rn't gonna remember everything i said" - 10:50
- "every nabi of allah has warned his ppl about dajjal" - 11:10
- "there's no trial, no tribulation since the creation of adam until the day of judgement greater than the trial & tribulation of ad-dajjal" - 11:20
- "even nuh a.w.s. has warned his ppl about dajjal" - 11:35
- "he's short man. he can't see with his eye. the eye isn't out from it's socket & it's not way in. it seems like somehow sealed in it's place. dajjal's one eyed & ur lord isn't one eyed" - 11:45
- dajjal'll eventually claim that he's lord - 12:15
- "every prophet has warned his ppl about one eyed liar. he's one eyed & ur lord isn't one eyed. between his eyes it's written kafir" - 12:45
- "between his eyes it's written kafir & it can be read by the literate & the illiteracy mu'min" therefore it crosses the boundaries between language & literature - 13:00
- "we saw a man, we never saw a man who's bigger, larger than him" ... these're not the words of rasulullah but he approved'em - 13:30
- the hadith of rasulullah is sufficient to help us when he does appear. we might not be able to have the exact perception of what he's now, but when he does come one then things're gonna be clear. it seems when we look from one hadith from another, we might think that there's contradictions but they're not. they're describing different things of ad-dajjal - 14:10
- "he won't have any children" - 15:00
- saf ibn sayyad, jew from madina, magician & fortune teller, jinn & shayatin - 15:35
- some of the sahaba swear that he saf ibn sayyad was dajjal, umar ibn al-khattab, jabir ibn abdullah - 16:05
- rasulullah was suspicious about him - 17:20
- meeting between saf ibn sayyad & rasulullah - 18:25
- only who can kill ad-dajjal is isa a.w.s. - 21:45
- meeting between saf ibn sayyad & rasulullah - 22:55
- rasulullah spying on saf ibn sayyad - 24:30
- when he became angry, he expanded in size until he filled the whole road - 27:40
- "don't u know that dajjal is gonna come out after he becomes upset?" - 28:00
- "i was thinking about getting a rope & hanging myself & committing suicide because of what ppl're saying about me" - 31:05
- complement of saf ibn sayyad - 31:50
- story of a christian reverted to islam (animal speaking) - 35:00
- hugest man tied up with chains from ankles to knees - 38:45
- dajjal is towards the east of madina - 45:00
- "the story of ibn sayyad is problematic & suspicious. there's no doubt that he's at least one of the impostors" - 47:40
- "our king who'll defeat the arabs is here" - 50:30
- "rasulullah came to the decision in the end that ibn sayyad is a devil worshiper" - 52:30
- saf ibn sayyad suddenly disappeared - 53:40

HD |  Major Signs Anti Christ and Jesus Christ | Imam Anwar Al Awlaki The Here After Series

- "ad-dajjal'll come out from a land from the east called khurasan (iran or central asia)" - 01:10
- "nothing from the time adam was created till the day of judgement is grater than the fitna of ad-dajjal" - 01:50
- "he has a hell-fire & he has a paradise but his hell-fire is paradise & his paradise is hell-fire" - 02:10
- "i know what dajjal has more than he does" - 02:45
- "he has two rivers. one of'em has white water flowing through & the other has fire flowing through it & u can see through own eyes. if u ever live though his time then close ur eyes & through urselves in the river of fire bcz it's cold water" - 02:55
- "if he comes out & i'm with u, then i'll take care of him & if he comes out the time i'm not with u then then everybody's responsible for their-selves" - 04:45
- "he's a young man & one of his eyes's bulging out" - 05:15
- "if u ever live his time & meet him then read on him the first ayath of sura al-kahaf" - 05:35
- "he'll come out from the area between as-sham & iraq & he'll corrupt the whole world right & left. he'll stay on earth for 40 days. 1 day's = a year, 1 day = month, 1 day = week & the rest of his days're like ur regular days" - 06:00
- "he'll be as fast as rain followed by a wind" - 07:35
- "he'll occupy a town & the ppl'll follow him. he'll order the sky to rain & he'll order the earth to produce it's fruits & then their cattle'll be fed & will have a lot of milk" - 08:00
- "& the he'll go to some ppl & he'll give'em dawa & they'll refuse to follow him, so they'll prevent the rain from falling down & will prevent the earth to produce it's fruits & their cattle'll die. then he'll leave leaving them broken & having nothing" - 08:55
- "he'll past next to ruins & he'll call the treasures to come out. the treasures of the earth'll follow him like bees" - 09:30
- "he'll call a strong young man & will split'em into two pieces. then he'll call'em to come & he'll comeback alive again smiling & laughing" - 10:00
- "dajjal'll pass by madina & he'll not be able to enter into madina & he'll base himself outside madian. one of the man'll come out to meet'em. he's the best or one of the best man of his time. he'll walk up to ad-dajjal & say I TESTIFY/BARE WITNESS THAT U'R AD-DAJJAL WHO RASULULLAH S.A.W. SPOKE ABOUT - 13:30
- "dajjal will tell the ppl IF I KILL THIS MAN & THEN I RESURRECT'EM AGAIN, WILL U'VE ANY DOUBTS IN ME?" - 14:10
- "he'll kill'em & he'll resurrect'em again" - 14:25
- "this has made me more assured that u'r ad-dajjal" - 14:35
- "then the dajjal'll be upset & will try to kill'em. allah'll protect that man & he won't be able to kill'em" - 14:45
- "dajjal'll bring a bedouin & will tell'em IF I RESURRECT UR FATHER & MOTHER WOULD U BELIEVE IN ME? the bedouin'll say YES -15 25
- "two devils'll assume the personality & form of his father & mother. they'll tell him O MY SON, FOLLOW'EM HE'S UR LORD" - 15:45
- how do we protect ourselves from the fitna of ad-dajjal? - 16:15

1. eman - 16:20
- three things that when they appear, if a soul doesn't have eman, their eman after that wouldn't do'em any good (one of'em is ad-dajjal) - 16:30

2. isti'adha (seek refuge) - 17:15
- THIS DUA IS WAJIB IN SALAH. after tashahud & before salam...  "اللهم اني اعوذ بك من عذاب جهنم,ومن عذاب القبر,ومن فتنة المحيا والممات,ومن فتنة المسيح الدجّال‎" (o allah i seek refuge in u from hell-fire, from punishment of the grave, the trials of life & death & from al-masih ad-dajjal) - 17:20

3. to read the opening 10 or the last 10 verses of the suratul kahaf - 18:05
- the ppl of the cave run away from the fitna. they didn't confront it - 19:00
- "if any of u hears about ad-dajjal, never go to meet'em. bcz u go meeting'em thinking that u'r a mu'min & u'd leave the meeting as a nonbeliever bcz of the doubts that he puts in the heart" - 20:05
- "ppl're gonna run away from'em on the tops of mountains" - 20:25

4. avoiding'em - 21:55
-  death of ad-dajjal - 22:40
- he'll not collapse until he'll cause so much damage all over the world that almost the entire world has followed'em - 23:10
- al-mahdi a.w.s.'ll have no way competing with ad-dajjal. he'll be with the believers with jerusalem hiding away from him in their force until siyyedina isa ibn maryam a.w.s. descends - 23:25
- "isa ibn maryam will've power to kill ad-dajjal with his vision/breath" - 26:55
- "isa ibn maryam'll kill ad-dajjal in palestine" - 25:05
- 2nd major sign of the day of judgement (descending of sayyedina isa ibn maryam) - 25:15
- isa ibn maryam a.w.s'll descend in damascus, eastern white minaret - 25:40
- masjid al-amawi - 26:20
- it's the christians who gave the money for the renovation of the minarats & in this renovation, the color was made white (marble) - 27:15
- al-haram al-nabawi, mud (brown) to marble (white) - 28:15
- "ad-dajjal'd stand over the mountain of uhud & will tell his army DO U SEE THAT WHITE PALACE, THAT'S THE PALACE OF MUHAMMAD - 29:15
- types of hadith -30:00
1. mawdhu' = fabricated
2. da'eef = weak
3. hasan = agreeable
4. saheeh = anthentic
5. mutawatir = strongest type of saheeh - 30:00
- mutawatir is something that came from so many directions that it's impossible for it to've any doubt = certain - 30:15
- "every single one of the ppl of the book'll believe in him before his death & he'll be a witness over'em on the day of judgement" - 32:35
- "the time's approaching when isa the son of maryam'll decedent among u & will be a just ruler. he'll break/crush the cross, kill the pigs, refuse to accept jizya & wealth'll be so abundant that nobody'll accept it & in that time one sejda'd be more valuable to the ppl than the world & everything in it" - 34:35
- jizya & zakah - 35:55
- when isa a.w.s arrives, he'll walk in & the muslims're about to pray. the iqamah was made for salah. when al-mahdi a.w.s. sees saiyyedina isa a.w.s. he'll retreat & he'll ask'em to lead the prayer. but isa'll tell al-mahdi that THE IQMAH WAS MADE FOR U & U'D LEAD THE SALAH" - 38:10
- "isa ibn maryam'd descend next to the eastern white minarat of the masjhid, he has two yellow garments, & he'll be placing his two hands on the wings of angels" - 39:30
- isa a.w.s followed the law of musa a.w.s. - 40:00
- when he'll descend, he'll apply the law of muhammad s.a.w. (of of this is islam) - 40:15
- "if musa was today alived, he'd have to follow me" - 40:45
- "jizya'd continue until the time of isa. after the time of isa there'll be no jizya" - 41:30
- "isa'll perform hujj or umrah or both with the muslims of this ummah" - 41:50
- "after the time of yajuj & majuj, allah'll send down a rain. the rain'll be so much that no house'd provide cover from it. whether it's a house of clay or house of wood. it'd clean the world & leave it like a mirror & then allah'll give orders to the world to produce it's fruits & return (bring back) ur blessings" - 42:45
- description of blessings - 45:00
- "isa's the closest one to me. out of all the umbi'a of allah i'm the closest one to him bcz there's no prophet between me & him" - 46:35
- "when he comes down, know him. he's average height, fair skin, wrapped in two yellowish color garments, his hair looks as if it's wet & dripping with droplets of water even though it's dry. he'd crush/break the cross, he'd free the earth from pigs, abandon jizya & he'd call all mankind to islam. all of the religions, allah'll destroy'em in his time except for islam" - 47:05
- "he'll be the one who'd achieve the final victory of islam. in his time ad-dajjal'll be eliminated & peace'll descent on earth" - 48:30
- "lions'll accompany camels, tigers'll accompany cows, wolves'll accompany goats & children'll play with snakes" - 49:00
- "he'd stay for 40 yrs. then he'd die & the muslims'll pray on him"- 49:45
- "he'd stay for 40 yrs or 7 yrs" - 50:30
- he already lived for 33 yrs on earth & he has 7 yrs left in his life & he'll live his 7 yrs with this ummah - 50:55
- "there'll be 7 yrs where no two ppl'll have any problem or enmity between'em" - 51:10
- "the a wind'll blow from as-sham & it'd take the souls of every believer even the ones who've a single grain of believe in their hearts, they'd die" - 51:30
- history is interpreted as a conflict between the truth & falsehood - 52:50
- "there'll be so much blessings that if u through a seed on a solid rock, it'll grow" - 53:30
- "there'll remain the munafiqin & the worst of ppl. they'll be corrupted & they'll have intercourse among themselves like donkeys. these're the ones to whom the hour'll appear on" - 54:05

HD | Other Major Signs - Anwar Awlaki The Here After Series

- 3rd sign of the day of judgement, (yajuj & majuj) - 01:00
- they're the sons of adam - 01:15
- "o adam send out the portion of ur children to hell-fire" - 01:30
- "what is the portion of my descendants're going to hell-fire?" - 02:05
- "out of every 1000, 999" - 02:15
- "out of yajuj & majuj 999, out of the rest is 1" - 02:40
- "yajuj & majuj, if they're put into any group, they'd make it a lot" - 03:05
- "when one of'em dies, they'd left behind 1000 descendants" (da'aif) - 03:20
- "when yajuj & majuj come out, they'll pour from every direction" - 03:35
- after sayyidina isa a.w.s. kills ad-dajjal, allah'll reveal to isa & tell him, THERE'S A CREATION OF MINE THAT'RE COMING OUT NOBODY CAN FIGHT'EM &  STAND AGAINST'EM SO TAKE MY SERVANTS TO AT-TUR. & SAVE'EM FROM YAJUJ WA MAJUJ - 04:15
- "the army'd march they'd come to the lake of tiberia (sea of galilee). they'd start drinking from the lake. by the time the back rows of the army arrive, the lake'd be empty & they'd say one there was water over here. what happened to it?" - 05:05
- "yajuj & majuj're gonna surround the believers. they're gonna besiege'em & the siege'd be so hard on'em (isa & his sahaba) that a head of an ox'd be more valued to'em than 100 dinar's to u now" - 05:40
- isa'll a.w.s. make du'a & muslims'll du'a so allah'll send worms that'll destroy yajuj & majuj by sending of'em worms that'll enter into their necks & kill'em all - 06:20
- there won't be a spot on the face of the world that won't be covered & contaminated with the decomposed bodies of yajuj wa-majul, smell of their rotten bodies - 07:10
- isa aws'd have to make du'a to help'em - 07:25
- yajuj & majuj're harm to the humans dead or alive - 07:30
- allah'd send birds that'll be so big that their necks'd be like the necks of camels picking up the bodies to through'em away - 07:55
- then allah'd send rain that'd wash the earth & leave it clean as a mirror - 08:00
- "they're digging through the den" - 08:10
- the wall - 08:35
- dhul qarnayn = two horns (east & west) - 08:45
- iron+lead or copper, sealed'em off - 10:50
- "everyday yajuj & majuj're piercing through the barrier. at night when they're done with their work & they've just a little bit left, their leader'd say let's come back & finish it tomorrow. they'll come back tomorrow & find that it was sealed off again" - 14:45
- "until one day, when their term is appointed. they'd dig through it & their leader'll say tomorrow we're gonna come back & INSHALLAH we're gonna complete digging. then they'll open up the seal & they'd come out" - 15:20
- in the time or rasullullah a very small opening occurred in that seal - 16:00
- "they'd come out. they'd drink the water of earth & ppl'll run away with'em & then when they'd think that they've killed everyone, they'd point their weapons toward the sky & they'd shoot. so their arrows'll come back with blood on'em. then they'd say we've killed everybody on earth & we killed everyone in the heavens" - 16:55
- then allah'll send on'em worms that'd kill'em all - 17:15
- "the animals of the earth'd eat so much from their bodies that they'd be fat & grateful" - 17:20
- gog & magog. in the old testament - 18:05
- biblical prophecy that muslims are yajuj & majuj - 18:50
- signs number 4, 5 & 6 (the sinking of earth) - 19:00
- 3 sinking of earth (major earthquake), one in the east. one in the west & one the arabian peninsula - 19:25
- earthquake that'd take all of the western USA off the map, arizona & eastern of california - 19:50
- earthquake of valley of northridge (studios of filming the pornographic movies are), center of the earthquake - 20:50
- earthquake of san francisco (corruption & perversion) - 21:10
- earthquakes in madina - 21:20
- umar ibn al-khattab, "either u stop sins or i'm gonna leave madina" - 21:30
- mountain of uhud, "don't move uhud. bcz on top of u is a nabi, a siddiq & two shuhada" - 21:50
- 7th sign (the smoke) - 22:15
- 8th sign (the rise of the sun from the west) - 22:55
- "the day of judgement'll not occur until the sun rises from the west. when that happens everyone'll believe but that's when believe won't do'em any good" - 23:50
- if somebody becomes a muslim in that moment, their islam isn't accepted anymore - 24:15
- if there's somebody who claims to be a believer, but they aren't doing any good. if they start doing good when the sun rises from the west, it's too late - 24:20
- when the sun rises from the west, the door of tawba's blocked - 25:15
- 9th sign (the beast) - 25:20
- a beast'll come out & it'd talk to ppl "u'r a believer, u'r a nonbeliever" & it'd stamp their face - 26:30
- the words of allah comes on'em when... the scholars die, the knowledge disappears & qur'an is lifted - 27:35
- "three things when they occur, no soul shall benefit from their eman if they believed after that" - 28:00
1. raise of the sun from the west
2. dajjal
3. the beast
- "the beast'd come out carrying the seal of sulaiman & stick of musa. it'd mark the face of the believer with the stick of musa & it'd stamp the face of the nonbeliever with the seal of sulaiman. ppl'd be eating together & they'd say give me, hand me this believer, hand me this nonbeliever" - 29:15
- ya mu'min, ya kafir - 29:55
- 10th sign, the final sign (the fire) - 30:20
- "in the end a fire'd come out from yemen sending the ppl toward al-mahshar" - 30:30
- "this fire is gonna continuously follow the ppl. the ppl're gonna be running from it & whoever stays behind, the fire'd burn'em. it'll follow'em in the day time & sleep with'em at night & will never leave'em alone" - 30:45
- the fire'll come out particularly from basin of adan - 31:05
- "ash-sha (syria, jordan, palestine & lebanon), this is where u'll be assembled" - 31:30
- jihad, in the beginning it was against the roman empire, then the crusaders, then tatar, now against the yahud, then again it's against the romans again, then against ad-dajjal. that's where the muslims are camping for jihad" - 33:25
- "i was sleeping & i saw a dream where the pillar of the book (qur'an) was taken away from me. i thought it'd be taken away from me. so i followed it with my vision. then i saw it's placed on ash-sham. in the times of trials & tribulations, that's where iman'll be" - 34:10
- there's two hashar. one assembly in dunya & another in the akhira - 35:30
- in the end of the world ppl'll be assembled to the holy land & that'll be the end of the world & then the hashr of the day of judgement is gonna be in a different place when the earth'll be replaced - 35:40