life of abu bakr siddiq r.a.a part 1/15:
- art of reading the face - 47:40
- fight against romans - 25:24
- "he's cool" - 32:33
- magician & jinn - 48:25
- lungi - 49:05
- temper - 5815
- sahaba as human - 1:03:08
life of abu bakr siddiq r.a.a part 2/15:
- battle of mat'ua ? (arms cut off) - 01:45
- not to leave any woman single - 02:47
- arrow killed the son - 06:01 (buffered)
- cut off a man into two - 08:28
- arrow shot on eye through armor - 09:28
- woman of righteousness being with husband in jannah - 11.00
- marraige of aisha r. a. a. - 13:53
- aisha r. a. a. top 4 narrators of hadith - 14:50
- ppl waiting for islam - 24:17
- alcohol vs honor & dignity - 28:28
- 38 muslims, dawa & argument - 32:32
- first speech of islam - 33:33
- "most courageous of men" - ali r. a. a. + battle of badar - 46:15
- "ahadun ahad" + torture to slave - 50:57
- slave & islam - 54:34
- blind test - 55:50
life of abu bakr siddiq r.a.a. part 3/15:
- rule for seeking assistance from a disbeliever - 41:10
- generally it's not allowed, in exceptions following rules applied...
1. the existence of strong need to seek this assistance.
2. this assistance would not be at the expanse or compromise of dawa or any of it's means.
3. there exists a satisfactory level of trust in the disbeliever.
4. finally, that it won't cost doubts among the muslims.
5. nonbeliever won't be the upper hand. (added).
life of abu bakr siddiq r.a.a. part 4/15:
- never missed anything - 01.15
- always 1st speaker - 04:40
- trick - 06:35
- sleep before war & in salah - 11:28
- prisoners badar - 16.25 siddique as ibrahim & isa, faruq as nuh & musa - 19:40
- 5 exclusive things that made halal for rasulullah - 26:35
- leaders - 31:25
- insult upon rasulullah - 40:00
- hudaibia agreement - 44:40
- "amit amit" - 53:45
- thief - 58:00
life of abu bakr siddiq r.a.a. part 5/15:
- fruit of knowledge - 01:40 (al-fatir, 28 ... knowledge & fear)
- making judgement - 10:27
- poetry - 12 : 50
- arrow killed his son - 15:00
- the two friendly ppl in jannah - 16:45
- battle against roman(tabuk) - 17:23
- 1st hajj (year before hajja tul waja)
- 21:10 - tawaf being naked
- 21:33 - marriages of rasulullah - 29:55
- rule for unmarried woman - 33:00
- marriage - 35:22
- jummah - 37:00
- arrogance/salah - 39:25
- "whoever has a single grain of arrogance in their heart, will not even can smell paradise" - 39:35
- singing - 41:45
- atheist in masjid (song) - 43:50
- food - 49:45
- zum zum - 55:11
- neckless - 57:30
- revolution of taiamum - 58:40
- wife never beaten - 59:25
- rizk - 01:00:51
- person was still feed who accused rumor against aisha r a a - 1:02:43
- identification (undesired words spoken) - 1:06:30
- "may allah forgive u" - 01:08:07
- "are u going to keep my friend alone??" - 01:12:40
life of abu bakr siddiq r.a.a. part 6/15:
- slave choosing ladder - 01:30
- "greatest scholar of ummah" - 08:50
- last hours of his rasulullah's life - 15:35
- biggest disaster of all - 20:00
- scenario after offat - 21:45
- the strongest heart 25:53
- speech about ansar - 32:26
- khalifa/deputi - 39:50
- explicit or implicit - 48:10
- bayat of ali - 50:45
- "any ppl who will leave the mandate of jihad will be humiliated" - 01:01:35
- time of jahalia - 01:02:47
life of abu bakr siddiq r.a.a. part 7/15:
اَصَّدْْقُ اَمَنَ وَالْكَذِبُ خِيَنَ
- oh ppl! i've been put in authority over u & i'm not the best of u. so if i do the right thing then help me & if i do wrong, then put me straight. truthfulness is a sacred trust & lying is a betrayal. the weak one among u is strong as far as i'm concerned until i restore to him his right inshallah & strong one of u is weak until i take what is due from him inshallah. no ppl forsake jihad in the way of allah but that allah afflicts them with humiliation. nor does indecency ever spread among the ppl but that allah envelopes them in punishment. obey me as long as i obey allah & his messenger. & if i disobey allah & his messenger, then u do not owe me obedience. stand up for ur prayer. may allah have mercy upon u.
- three ppl will not be purified & won't be looked at them - 20:37
- jihad - 24:45
- jina in public - 26:24
- destruction of nation - 29:45
- payment of khalipha - 29:00
- food habit - 45:00
- vow - 01:59:00
- imam - 01:01:00
life of abu bakr siddiq r.a.a. part 8/15:
- governor 01:00
- women singing against rasulullah - 06:00
- baya of ali r a a -09:40
- family relationship of siddique - 12:21
- question - 12:50
- inheritance of ambia - 14:20
- ibrahim a w s giving us (muslims) the name "muslim" - 15:18
- army of osama against rome (3 thousand vs 200 thousand) - 16:55
- fight, (strong - 1 vs 10, weak 1 vs 2) - 19:20
- rules & regulation of war - 36:00
- RIDDAH - 56:38
- 3 men & a woman claiming prophecy - 01:01:42
life of abu bakr siddiq r.a.a. part 9/15:
- ppl don't wanna give zakat - 00:45
- beginning of on opening - 14:46
- false prophet possessed by demon - 21:38
- examples of two kinds of women - 32:25
- person put into fire & survived - 38:27
- christians as worshiper of priest - 53:40
- 2 prominent sahaba got killed - 57:50
life of abu bakr siddiq r.a.a. part 10/15:
- middle way of governing - 09:05
- riddah of bahrain - 10:55
- karama - 1 (ibrahim a w s) - 12:50
- leg chopped off - 14:30
- karama - 2 (musa a w s) - 16:50
- difference between muajaza & karam - 18:45
- food - 22:40
- priest became muslim - 23:10
- greatest & most dangerous riddah (NAUZUBILLAH) - 24:00
- messengers are not to be killed - 26:05
- fitnah of a scholar - 30:45
- imitate qur'an - 34:10
- use of qur'an - 46:00
life of abu bakr siddiq r.a.a. part 11/15:
- person killed servant of allah - 03:48
- slogans not asking for help - 05:10
- boiling oil to seal the wound for infection - 08:50
- mercy of allah is shahada - 20:30
- greatest loss the muslims ever suffered (battle of yamama ?) - 26:40
- marriage & battle - 32:40
- compiling of qur'an - 36:58
life of abu bakr siddiq r.a.a. part 12/15:
- early stage of islam & early stage of christianity - 01:30
- "riddah" defining false & true believer - 05:20
- CONQUESTS, opening of iraq - 07:10
- plan (basara - gateway for india) - 15:18
- types of jihad - 22:40
- jihad as protection of life - 28:25
- battle of ulais & angusia (?) - 29:40
- 3 options given to the christian arabs - 30:35
- pay jizia (?) & the muslim promise protection. if he doesn't protect'em, then they've no obligations until he does protect'em. if the muslims can't protect'em then they pay their money back. if they commit betrayal in deed or word, then the muslim conscious is free of any obligation to them. - 32:25
- latter send to the kings - 33:20
- letter send to the governor - 35:53
- karama in hera (drunk poison) - 35:21
- dua - 37:30
- identification of khalid bin walid - 39:35
- last wine drink - 41:20
- coalition of persian, roman & arab christian soldier vs khaled bin walid - 44:10
- sword of allah - 46:05
- kaba as magnet - 48:20
- a fatherly figure for sahaba - 54:00
- death illusion - 01:02:35
life of abu bakr siddiq r.a.a. part 13/15:
- i'm appointing u to lead this army to test u & to try u. if u perform well, i'll give u more & if u don't, i'll change u. so i advice u to have taqwa of allah because he can see ur in-sight just as he can see ur out-sight. i'm appointing u to the post of ... . stay away from arrogance & tribalism of jahelia. when u join ur soldiers, be a good companion of them & if u deliver speech to them then be brief otherwise they'll forget the massage. improve the state of urself, the state of ur soldiers will improve. pray salah at the appointed time & complete ur sijud & ruku & ... in salah. when ur receive invoice from ur enemy, be kind with them & be generous. but do not allow them extended stay otherwise they'll learn of ur weaknesses. have them stay among ur strongest forces & allow no but urself to speak to them. when u speak council, be straight forward & truthful in order to receive the best advice. spent time at night chatting with ur soldiers then u'll receive news & veils'll be lifted. spread out ur guards & pay'em unannounced visits & whenever u see any carelessness in guarding ur army, then punish'em moderately. don't spent time with ppl who spent their time but spent'em with truth & loyalty. be aware of financial abuse because it draws poverty closer victory further. u'll find ppl devoted to worship in monasteries, leave'em alone.
- khalifa,
- abu bakar (radiallahu anhu)
- forgotten point -
- be patient when u meet ur enemy - 39:00
- points:
01. held accountable for what ur doing. - 30:36
02. the taqwa of allah. - 31:17
03. warning against nationalism & tribalism. - 31:22
04. be brief. - 32:02
05. take care of urself first. - 32:27
06. importance of salah. - 33:18
07. strategy towards the envoys of enemy - 34:23
08. shura only works with honesty & truth - 35:18
09. intermingling with soldiers - 36:05
10. guarding the muslim army - 37:15
11. importance of good company - 37:38
12. handling of money - 38:28
13. be patient with ur enemy - 39:00
1. this is part of the ebadah regardless. allah s w a do not accept words without deeds. so for ur words to be true, they must be come in by jihad fesabilillah.
2. ppl either become muslim or give jizia & they accept the rule of book of allah. as jizia is a quranic command.
- a dream - 04:31
- interpretation of the dream - 06:55
- assembly - 10:35
- 1st response from umar (all out assault) - 11:45
- 2nd response from abdur rahman ibn arafi (raid) - 13:43
- 3rd response from usman ibn arfan - 17:45
- 4th response from ali - 18:22
- 4 army sent out (per umar) - 19:52
- to mobilize ppl from every corner & bring'em ahead fight (per ibn arafi) - 20:05
- letter to yemen - 20:50
- objectives of fighting - 22:06
- human trait (weak following strong) - 25:50
- 1st army 7k soldiers, dimask - 27:35
- 2nd army, 3k soldiers, tabuk - 27:45
- 3rd army, 3k solders, hims, syria - 28:01
- 4th army, 7k soldiers, palestine - 28:10
- first nosiha ...out do the enemy with patience - 39:15
- test of patience - 39:40
- second nosiha ...visit the sick, the injured & attend the janaja - 30:40
- letter sent - 41:20
- letter replied - 42:30
- 4 army of rome - 43:30
- 7 thousand against 90 thousand - 43:50
- asking for reinforcement, SOS - 44:10
- letter - 44:40
- reply - 48:15
- reply - 51:43
- soldiers from yemen - 54:00
- summon for the sword of allah - 55:00
- 20 camels ... - 59:15
- surprise for roman - 01:02:20
- army unite - 01:03:15
- 1st victory - 01:04:35
- battle ground, wide from front & narrow from back - 01:05:05
life of abu bakr siddiq r.a.a. part 14/15:
- roman soldiers forced to fight - 01:50
- fesabilillah - 04:45
- strongest muslim army of only 40 thousand - 09:20
- the speech - 10:03
- offer - 12:00
- reply, "no that's not why we came. we came because we ppl drink blood & i heard that the best taste in blood is the blood of romans". - 13:50
- questions for a freeman - 15:10
- "i'm the harshest of the muslims against the polytheist" - 17:35
- "equality" - 23:00
- person converted into islam, fight & died in the battle - 23:40
- start of fight - 24:00
- women start to fight - 25:10
- tables are turning - 27:10
- "they've no patience & strength more than what u've seen" - 27:50
- cavalry ran out, each one is trying to survive - 29:48
- great victory for muslims - 31:35
- 3 thousand muslim died - 32:20
- "lets get each other a pledge to die, fesabilillah" - 34:00
- 400 died as they're promised to die - 35:05
- water (not me pass it for my other brother he needs more than i do & the water came back to the first person offered but they are all already dead) - 35:55
- death of the khalifa - 36:40
- balance of governance - 38:45
- end of life - 39:35
- comments of the 10 about umar - 39:45
- 10 - 41:05
- all having similar comments except - 43:45
- example of exception - 44:30
- baya of umar - 49:05
- death of 1st khalif - 50:00
- last words - 51:40
- 2 yrs, 3 months & 10 days - 51:10
- janazah - 51:30
- lowering the body to the grave - 53:10
- head was placed below the shoulder of rasulullah - 53:50
- achievements - 54:20
- property sold & money returned to the muslim treasury for the salary of khalifa - 56:20
life of abu bakr siddiq r.a.a. part 15/15:
- imam & his muazzem - 03:52
- definition of sahaba - 06:40
- advice for host (about visitors & warriors) - 08:45
- visit in jewish seminary - 14:15
- "allah needs us & he prays to us as he is poor & we're rich coz he asks us to give money to charity as ur prophet says" - 15:15
- "allah has certainly heard those comments of those jews who said, indeed allah is poor while we're rich. we'll record what they said & their killing of the prophets without right & will say taste the punishment of burning fire" (al imran 181) - 17:25
- fear of allah is the fruit of knowledge - 18:45
- dream of scale - 20:30
- sometimes our environment enforces upon us certain concepts. the media, the ppl arround us, we might hear it from even scholars. so, we take this things for granted. so when we find that a hadith or an ayath contradicts the concept we've in our mind, we don't go with the literal meaning of the hadith, no, we change the meaning to confirm with our concept & THAT'S NOT THE RIGHT WAY!!! - 25:40
- THE RIGHT WAY IS, if the ayath or the hadith presents a concept in a certain way, u adopt it even if it is against what the environment against u is telling u - 26:09
- most beloved person of rasullullah - 28:00
- gates of jannah - 28:40
- dreams - 33:45
- ummahatul mu'minin only got one room each - 36:55
- admission of sin is something that allah likes - 40:00
- romans sending spies - 41:30
- roman spy report: "these are ppl who prays at night, & fasts during the day. if the son of their leaders steel, they'ld cut their hand. & if anyone of them high or low would commit a crime, they'ld be punished" 42:05
- questions from HIRACLE (?) - 43:00
- answers - 45:50
- elders said, "the reason why they are winning & we are losing is because they -
` pray at night
` fast during the day
` fulfill their congruence
` enjoying good
` prevent evil
` & they're just among themselves
& because we
` drink alcohol
` commit adultery, fornication & every sin
` betray our promises
` we oppress
` commit wrong & transgression
` encourage evil
` prevent ppl which pleases allah wajal
` & we corrupt in the land. - 43:10
- FIGHTERS during the day & MONKS during the night - 44:40
- even after 1400 years of islam in these countries these religious minority survived - 50-20
- the acceptance (jizya) of the leader is taken as the acceptance of everyone & the rejection of leader as taken rejection of every one & war is justified - 51:40
- best among jews - 53:38
- art of reading the face - 47:40
- fight against romans - 25:24
- "he's cool" - 32:33
- magician & jinn - 48:25
- lungi - 49:05
- temper - 5815
- sahaba as human - 1:03:08
life of abu bakr siddiq r.a.a part 2/15:
- battle of mat'ua ? (arms cut off) - 01:45
- not to leave any woman single - 02:47
- arrow killed the son - 06:01 (buffered)
- cut off a man into two - 08:28
- arrow shot on eye through armor - 09:28
- woman of righteousness being with husband in jannah - 11.00
- marraige of aisha r. a. a. - 13:53
- aisha r. a. a. top 4 narrators of hadith - 14:50
- ppl waiting for islam - 24:17
- alcohol vs honor & dignity - 28:28
- 38 muslims, dawa & argument - 32:32
- first speech of islam - 33:33
- "most courageous of men" - ali r. a. a. + battle of badar - 46:15
- "ahadun ahad" + torture to slave - 50:57
- slave & islam - 54:34
- blind test - 55:50
life of abu bakr siddiq r.a.a. part 3/15:
- rule for seeking assistance from a disbeliever - 41:10
- generally it's not allowed, in exceptions following rules applied...
1. the existence of strong need to seek this assistance.
2. this assistance would not be at the expanse or compromise of dawa or any of it's means.
3. there exists a satisfactory level of trust in the disbeliever.
4. finally, that it won't cost doubts among the muslims.
5. nonbeliever won't be the upper hand. (added).
life of abu bakr siddiq r.a.a. part 4/15:
- never missed anything - 01.15
- always 1st speaker - 04:40
- trick - 06:35
- sleep before war & in salah - 11:28
- prisoners badar - 16.25 siddique as ibrahim & isa, faruq as nuh & musa - 19:40
- 5 exclusive things that made halal for rasulullah - 26:35
- leaders - 31:25
- insult upon rasulullah - 40:00
- hudaibia agreement - 44:40
- "amit amit" - 53:45
- thief - 58:00
life of abu bakr siddiq r.a.a. part 5/15:
- fruit of knowledge - 01:40 (al-fatir, 28 ... knowledge & fear)
- making judgement - 10:27
- poetry - 12 : 50
- arrow killed his son - 15:00
- the two friendly ppl in jannah - 16:45
- battle against roman(tabuk) - 17:23
- 1st hajj (year before hajja tul waja)
- 21:10 - tawaf being naked
- 21:33 - marriages of rasulullah - 29:55
- rule for unmarried woman - 33:00
- marriage - 35:22
- jummah - 37:00
- arrogance/salah - 39:25
- "whoever has a single grain of arrogance in their heart, will not even can smell paradise" - 39:35
- singing - 41:45
- atheist in masjid (song) - 43:50
- food - 49:45
- zum zum - 55:11
- neckless - 57:30
- revolution of taiamum - 58:40
- wife never beaten - 59:25
- rizk - 01:00:51
- person was still feed who accused rumor against aisha r a a - 1:02:43
- identification (undesired words spoken) - 1:06:30
- "may allah forgive u" - 01:08:07
- "are u going to keep my friend alone??" - 01:12:40
life of abu bakr siddiq r.a.a. part 6/15:
- slave choosing ladder - 01:30
- "greatest scholar of ummah" - 08:50
- last hours of his rasulullah's life - 15:35
- biggest disaster of all - 20:00
- scenario after offat - 21:45
- the strongest heart 25:53
- speech about ansar - 32:26
- khalifa/deputi - 39:50
- explicit or implicit - 48:10
- bayat of ali - 50:45
- "any ppl who will leave the mandate of jihad will be humiliated" - 01:01:35
life of abu bakr siddiq r.a.a. part 7/15:
- "truthfulness is a sacred is a trust & lying is a betrayal" - 08:15
اَصَّدْْقُ اَمَنَ وَالْكَذِبُ خِيَنَ
- oh ppl! i've been put in authority over u & i'm not the best of u. so if i do the right thing then help me & if i do wrong, then put me straight. truthfulness is a sacred trust & lying is a betrayal. the weak one among u is strong as far as i'm concerned until i restore to him his right inshallah & strong one of u is weak until i take what is due from him inshallah. no ppl forsake jihad in the way of allah but that allah afflicts them with humiliation. nor does indecency ever spread among the ppl but that allah envelopes them in punishment. obey me as long as i obey allah & his messenger. & if i disobey allah & his messenger, then u do not owe me obedience. stand up for ur prayer. may allah have mercy upon u.
- jihad - 24:45
- jina in public - 26:24
- destruction of nation - 29:45
- payment of khalipha - 29:00
- food habit - 45:00
- vow - 01:59:00
- imam - 01:01:00
life of abu bakr siddiq r.a.a. part 8/15:
- governor 01:00
- women singing against rasulullah - 06:00
- baya of ali r a a -09:40
- family relationship of siddique - 12:21
- question - 12:50
- inheritance of ambia - 14:20
- ibrahim a w s giving us (muslims) the name "muslim" - 15:18
- army of osama against rome (3 thousand vs 200 thousand) - 16:55
- fight, (strong - 1 vs 10, weak 1 vs 2) - 19:20
- rules & regulation of war - 36:00
- RIDDAH - 56:38
- 3 men & a woman claiming prophecy - 01:01:42
life of abu bakr siddiq r.a.a. part 9/15:
- ppl don't wanna give zakat - 00:45
- beginning of on opening - 14:46
- false prophet possessed by demon - 21:38
- examples of two kinds of women - 32:25
- person put into fire & survived - 38:27
- christians as worshiper of priest - 53:40
- 2 prominent sahaba got killed - 57:50
life of abu bakr siddiq r.a.a. part 10/15:
- middle way of governing - 09:05
- riddah of bahrain - 10:55
- karama - 1 (ibrahim a w s) - 12:50
- leg chopped off - 14:30
- karama - 2 (musa a w s) - 16:50
- difference between muajaza & karam - 18:45
- food - 22:40
- priest became muslim - 23:10
- greatest & most dangerous riddah (NAUZUBILLAH) - 24:00
- messengers are not to be killed - 26:05
- fitnah of a scholar - 30:45
- imitate qur'an - 34:10
- use of qur'an - 46:00
life of abu bakr siddiq r.a.a. part 11/15:
- person killed servant of allah - 03:48
- slogans not asking for help - 05:10
- boiling oil to seal the wound for infection - 08:50
- mercy of allah is shahada - 20:30
- greatest loss the muslims ever suffered (battle of yamama ?) - 26:40
- marriage & battle - 32:40
- compiling of qur'an - 36:58
life of abu bakr siddiq r.a.a. part 12/15:
- early stage of islam & early stage of christianity - 01:30
- "riddah" defining false & true believer - 05:20
- CONQUESTS, opening of iraq - 07:10
- plan (basara - gateway for india) - 15:18
- types of jihad - 22:40
- jihad as protection of life - 28:25
- battle of ulais & angusia (?) - 29:40
- 3 options given to the christian arabs - 30:35
- pay jizia (?) & the muslim promise protection. if he doesn't protect'em, then they've no obligations until he does protect'em. if the muslims can't protect'em then they pay their money back. if they commit betrayal in deed or word, then the muslim conscious is free of any obligation to them. - 32:25
- latter send to the kings - 33:20
- letter send to the governor - 35:53
- karama in hera (drunk poison) - 35:21
- dua - 37:30
- identification of khalid bin walid - 39:35
- last wine drink - 41:20
- coalition of persian, roman & arab christian soldier vs khaled bin walid - 44:10
- sword of allah - 46:05
- kaba as magnet - 48:20
- a fatherly figure for sahaba - 54:00
- death illusion - 01:02:35
life of abu bakr siddiq r.a.a. part 13/15:
- i'm appointing u to lead this army to test u & to try u. if u perform well, i'll give u more & if u don't, i'll change u. so i advice u to have taqwa of allah because he can see ur in-sight just as he can see ur out-sight. i'm appointing u to the post of ... . stay away from arrogance & tribalism of jahelia. when u join ur soldiers, be a good companion of them & if u deliver speech to them then be brief otherwise they'll forget the massage. improve the state of urself, the state of ur soldiers will improve. pray salah at the appointed time & complete ur sijud & ruku & ... in salah. when ur receive invoice from ur enemy, be kind with them & be generous. but do not allow them extended stay otherwise they'll learn of ur weaknesses. have them stay among ur strongest forces & allow no but urself to speak to them. when u speak council, be straight forward & truthful in order to receive the best advice. spent time at night chatting with ur soldiers then u'll receive news & veils'll be lifted. spread out ur guards & pay'em unannounced visits & whenever u see any carelessness in guarding ur army, then punish'em moderately. don't spent time with ppl who spent their time but spent'em with truth & loyalty. be aware of financial abuse because it draws poverty closer victory further. u'll find ppl devoted to worship in monasteries, leave'em alone.
- khalifa,
- abu bakar (radiallahu anhu)
- forgotten point -
- be patient when u meet ur enemy - 39:00
- points:
01. held accountable for what ur doing. - 30:36
02. the taqwa of allah. - 31:17
03. warning against nationalism & tribalism. - 31:22
04. be brief. - 32:02
05. take care of urself first. - 32:27
06. importance of salah. - 33:18
07. strategy towards the envoys of enemy - 34:23
08. shura only works with honesty & truth - 35:18
09. intermingling with soldiers - 36:05
10. guarding the muslim army - 37:15
11. importance of good company - 37:38
12. handling of money - 38:28
13. be patient with ur enemy - 39:00
1. this is part of the ebadah regardless. allah s w a do not accept words without deeds. so for ur words to be true, they must be come in by jihad fesabilillah.
2. ppl either become muslim or give jizia & they accept the rule of book of allah. as jizia is a quranic command.
- a dream - 04:31
- interpretation of the dream - 06:55
- assembly - 10:35
- 1st response from umar (all out assault) - 11:45
- 2nd response from abdur rahman ibn arafi (raid) - 13:43
- 3rd response from usman ibn arfan - 17:45
- 4th response from ali - 18:22
- 4 army sent out (per umar) - 19:52
- to mobilize ppl from every corner & bring'em ahead fight (per ibn arafi) - 20:05
- letter to yemen - 20:50
- objectives of fighting - 22:06
- human trait (weak following strong) - 25:50
- 1st army 7k soldiers, dimask - 27:35
- 2nd army, 3k soldiers, tabuk - 27:45
- 3rd army, 3k solders, hims, syria - 28:01
- 4th army, 7k soldiers, palestine - 28:10
- first nosiha ...out do the enemy with patience - 39:15
- test of patience - 39:40
- second nosiha ...visit the sick, the injured & attend the janaja - 30:40
- letter sent - 41:20
- letter replied - 42:30
- 4 army of rome - 43:30
- 7 thousand against 90 thousand - 43:50
- asking for reinforcement, SOS - 44:10
- letter - 44:40
- reply - 48:15
- reply - 51:43
- soldiers from yemen - 54:00
- summon for the sword of allah - 55:00
- 20 camels ... - 59:15
- surprise for roman - 01:02:20
- army unite - 01:03:15
- 1st victory - 01:04:35
- battle ground, wide from front & narrow from back - 01:05:05
life of abu bakr siddiq r.a.a. part 14/15:
- roman soldiers forced to fight - 01:50
- fesabilillah - 04:45
- strongest muslim army of only 40 thousand - 09:20
- the speech - 10:03
- offer - 12:00
- reply, "no that's not why we came. we came because we ppl drink blood & i heard that the best taste in blood is the blood of romans". - 13:50
- questions for a freeman - 15:10
- "i'm the harshest of the muslims against the polytheist" - 17:35
- "equality" - 23:00
- person converted into islam, fight & died in the battle - 23:40
- start of fight - 24:00
- women start to fight - 25:10
- tables are turning - 27:10
- "they've no patience & strength more than what u've seen" - 27:50
- cavalry ran out, each one is trying to survive - 29:48
- great victory for muslims - 31:35
- 3 thousand muslim died - 32:20
- "lets get each other a pledge to die, fesabilillah" - 34:00
- 400 died as they're promised to die - 35:05
- water (not me pass it for my other brother he needs more than i do & the water came back to the first person offered but they are all already dead) - 35:55
- death of the khalifa - 36:40
- balance of governance - 38:45
- end of life - 39:35
- comments of the 10 about umar - 39:45
- 10 - 41:05
- all having similar comments except - 43:45
- example of exception - 44:30
- baya of umar - 49:05
- death of 1st khalif - 50:00
- last words - 51:40
- 2 yrs, 3 months & 10 days - 51:10
- janazah - 51:30
- lowering the body to the grave - 53:10
- head was placed below the shoulder of rasulullah - 53:50
- achievements - 54:20
- property sold & money returned to the muslim treasury for the salary of khalifa - 56:20
life of abu bakr siddiq r.a.a. part 15/15:
- imam & his muazzem - 03:52
- definition of sahaba - 06:40
- advice for host (about visitors & warriors) - 08:45
- visit in jewish seminary - 14:15
- "allah needs us & he prays to us as he is poor & we're rich coz he asks us to give money to charity as ur prophet says" - 15:15
- "allah has certainly heard those comments of those jews who said, indeed allah is poor while we're rich. we'll record what they said & their killing of the prophets without right & will say taste the punishment of burning fire" (al imran 181) - 17:25
- fear of allah is the fruit of knowledge - 18:45
- dream of scale - 20:30
- sometimes our environment enforces upon us certain concepts. the media, the ppl arround us, we might hear it from even scholars. so, we take this things for granted. so when we find that a hadith or an ayath contradicts the concept we've in our mind, we don't go with the literal meaning of the hadith, no, we change the meaning to confirm with our concept & THAT'S NOT THE RIGHT WAY!!! - 25:40
- THE RIGHT WAY IS, if the ayath or the hadith presents a concept in a certain way, u adopt it even if it is against what the environment against u is telling u - 26:09
- most beloved person of rasullullah - 28:00
- gates of jannah - 28:40
- dreams - 33:45
- ummahatul mu'minin only got one room each - 36:55
- admission of sin is something that allah likes - 40:00
- romans sending spies - 41:30
- roman spy report: "these are ppl who prays at night, & fasts during the day. if the son of their leaders steel, they'ld cut their hand. & if anyone of them high or low would commit a crime, they'ld be punished" 42:05
- questions from HIRACLE (?) - 43:00
- answers - 45:50
- elders said, "the reason why they are winning & we are losing is because they -
` pray at night
` fast during the day
` fulfill their congruence
` enjoying good
` prevent evil
` & they're just among themselves
& because we
` drink alcohol
` commit adultery, fornication & every sin
` betray our promises
` we oppress
` commit wrong & transgression
` encourage evil
` prevent ppl which pleases allah wajal
` & we corrupt in the land. - 43:10
- FIGHTERS during the day & MONKS during the night - 44:40
- even after 1400 years of islam in these countries these religious minority survived - 50-20
- the acceptance (jizya) of the leader is taken as the acceptance of everyone & the rejection of leader as taken rejection of every one & war is justified - 51:40
- best among jews - 53:38
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