lectures of Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki
Anwar al Awlaki- Stories from Hadith - Part 1/4
- half of qur'an is stories - 00:40
- almost the other half of the qur'an is future - 01:45
- about 500 ayath which are ahkam - 02:00
- reference of the speech - 02:40
- most frequently mentioned are stories of bani isreal. reasons: - 04:35
- qualities THE CORE GROUP in straight path until yajuj & majuj come out (follow his sunnah, stick to the jama'a, they're fighting) - 11:15
- deviation, provide them from them - 13:50
- rizk = shahadah - 14:35
- 1st ummah of jihad - 14:45
- 1ST STORY {resurrection, 100 yrs ago, bani isreal - 15:15
- agony of death - 16:30
- value of shahadah & agony of death - 17:20
- "frequently remember the terminator of pleasures" - 20:15
- how come we hate death? - 23:25
- "highest companions" (last verse) - 24:50
- 2ND STORY (bani isreal) - 25:50
- alcohol, cheating - 26:35
- difference of shari'a - 27:05
- alcohol, obedience, differences - 28:15
- soldiers of allah - 34:30
- 3RD STORY - 35:25
- cow as transport (trust) - 37:00
- 4TH STORY (trust) - 37:45
- longest speech of rasulullah, about fitan, after fazr until maghrib - 40:15
- hadith being short, wisdom behind that - 40:40
- recognition fabricated hadith (length) - 41:00
- 5TH STORY (fabricated hadith) - 41:10
- ibn sayyad - 44:25
- dreams - 44:55
- believing in the unseen - 47:35
- m'raj, "if he said so" - 48:50
- supernatural power - 51:00
- dajjal - 51:20
- 6TH STORY (infant spoke) - 51:35
- be-careful abt what ask for - 55:05
- general dua rather than specific - 55:25
- parents, most important aspect - 56:30
- 7TH STORY (khalifa) - 57:35
- extreme poverty & extreme wealth - 59:40
- extreme poverty & extreme wealth - 59:35
- description of mu'minin - 01:07:00
- jihad - 01:09:10
- 8TH STORY (3 men, dua) - 01:13:10
- parents - 01:15:30
- zinah - 01:17:55
Anwar al Awlaki- Stories from Hadith - Part 2/4
4. taqwa - 00:10
5. parents - 01:40
6. chastity - 01:45
7. good deeds - 03:00
- yousuf a.w.s. (40 yrs) - 03:35
- 9TH STORY ( angel of rain) - 05:30
- best of deeds are constant even if they're little or small - 09:40
- situation of hopelessness - 10:25
- "a good deed gives birth to many good deeds, a bad deed gives birth to many bad deeds - 13:40
- wealth is not a measurement of allah'a love for u - 16:15
- usman ibn affan r.a.a. - 18:55
- "muslims fight with jews in the river of jordan, muslims will defeat jews - 24:00
- tawassul & asking rasulullah to pray for us - 24:50
Anwar al Awlaki- Stories from Hadith - Part 3/4
- 10th STORY (loving for the shake of allah) - 00:40
- rewards - 02:25
- 11th STORY (thirsty dog) - 03:50
- there is a reward of every living being - 05:40
- 12th STORY (thirsty dog) - 06:15
- 13th STORY (forgiving debt) - 07:20
- money, question (how did u earned, how did u spent) - 13:00
- doubt = kufr - 14:40
- 14th story (killing 99 human) - 18:45
- difference between abid (righteous) & alim (wise) - 21:55
- value of tawbah - 24:30
- the deuce of killing 100 ppl will be left to be sorted out on the day of judgement - 01:19:30
- addiction (company & environment) - 26:45
- zinah (don't even come close) - 29:00
- condition of tawba - 34:00
1. regret (pillar).
2. stop comtting.
3. promise not to do it again.
- doing wrong to others - 35:35
- "only currency that's accepted on the day of judgement is hasanat" - 37:10
- "do u know what BANKRUPT OF UMMAH is?" - 39:40
- BACK BITING (thank u very much) - 41:40
- ignorant persons cause more harms - 43:00
- sins in public, diseases - 44:05
- spy - 45:30
- 15th story (loan, across the sea)- 48:00
- allah as witness - 50:20
- DIFFERENCE between TAWBA (past & future) & ISTAGFAR (past) - 56:30
- umar ibn al-khattab, "if i know that allah has accepted 2 rak'at from all of my salah, i'll be happy. that's enough for me" - 49:45
- problem is the ikhlas - 01:00:10
- exposing sin, seeking marriage, except knowing of doing tawbah - 01:07:50
- exposing sin, business - 01:13:45
- betrayal - 01:17:00
- istagfar 70 times or more, tawba 100 or more - 01:18:05
- ISTAGFAR = specific to sins, TAWBA = general - 01:18:20
Anwar al Awlaki- Stories from Hadith - Part 4/4
- asking allah for the reward of a good deed in dunya, 1/3 remains for akhira - 00:50
- conception of ruh - 02:00
- punishment in dunya will relieves from punishment on akhira - 03:15
- how do u seek knowledge - 07:00
- way of tabe'in, tabetabe'in (going places) - 07:10
- way of sahabah (learning on the move) - 08:30
- plan ur life - 08:55
1. study & seek knowledge all the way until age of 40
2. age 40 to 50, u preach that knowledge
3. age 50 to 60, u write books
4. age 60 & above, u devote ur time to worship
[in case death terminates ur life b4 u complete ur plan, u'll get the reward for the whole plan coz that was ur intention] - 09:25
- "u can get the reward without doing the deed" - 09:35
- divide the night into 3 segments (revise, sleep, prey) - 10:25
- 1st ppl to enter into jannah r gonna be poor of the muhajerin, 500 yrs before everybody, carried the sword on the neck all throughout their life until they died - 12:35
- ONE OF THE SIGNS OF JUDGEMENT DAY (pen will prevail but there will be lot of jahel) - 14:30
- surat al-asr - 15:45
- celebrating birthday, muslims vs other ppl - 16:50
- how to spend money - 21:30
- example of suicide - 24:10
- 1st example (king) - 24:25
- 2nd example (musailama al-kazzab) - 26:40
- 3rd example (rome) - 28:15
Anwar al Awlaki- Stories from Hadith - Part 1/4
- half of qur'an is stories - 00:40
- almost the other half of the qur'an is future - 01:45
- about 500 ayath which are ahkam - 02:00
- reference of the speech - 02:40
- most frequently mentioned are stories of bani isreal. reasons: - 04:35
- qualities THE CORE GROUP in straight path until yajuj & majuj come out (follow his sunnah, stick to the jama'a, they're fighting) - 11:15
- deviation, provide them from them - 13:50
- rizk = shahadah - 14:35
- 1st ummah of jihad - 14:45
- 1ST STORY {resurrection, 100 yrs ago, bani isreal - 15:15
- agony of death - 16:30
- value of shahadah & agony of death - 17:20
- "frequently remember the terminator of pleasures" - 20:15
- how come we hate death? - 23:25
- "highest companions" (last verse) - 24:50
- 2ND STORY (bani isreal) - 25:50
- alcohol, cheating - 26:35
- difference of shari'a - 27:05
- alcohol, obedience, differences - 28:15
- soldiers of allah - 34:30
- 3RD STORY - 35:25
- cow as transport (trust) - 37:00
- 4TH STORY (trust) - 37:45
- longest speech of rasulullah, about fitan, after fazr until maghrib - 40:15
- hadith being short, wisdom behind that - 40:40
- recognition fabricated hadith (length) - 41:00
- 5TH STORY (fabricated hadith) - 41:10
- ibn sayyad - 44:25
- dreams - 44:55
- believing in the unseen - 47:35
- m'raj, "if he said so" - 48:50
- supernatural power - 51:00
- dajjal - 51:20
- 6TH STORY (infant spoke) - 51:35
- be-careful abt what ask for - 55:05
- general dua rather than specific - 55:25
- parents, most important aspect - 56:30
- 7TH STORY (khalifa) - 57:35
- extreme poverty & extreme wealth - 59:40
- extreme poverty & extreme wealth - 59:35
- description of mu'minin - 01:07:00
- jihad - 01:09:10
- 8TH STORY (3 men, dua) - 01:13:10
- parents - 01:15:30
- zinah - 01:17:55
Anwar al Awlaki- Stories from Hadith - Part 2/4
4. taqwa - 00:10
5. parents - 01:40
6. chastity - 01:45
7. good deeds - 03:00
- yousuf a.w.s. (40 yrs) - 03:35
- 9TH STORY ( angel of rain) - 05:30
- best of deeds are constant even if they're little or small - 09:40
- situation of hopelessness - 10:25
- "a good deed gives birth to many good deeds, a bad deed gives birth to many bad deeds - 13:40
- wealth is not a measurement of allah'a love for u - 16:15
- usman ibn affan r.a.a. - 18:55
- "muslims fight with jews in the river of jordan, muslims will defeat jews - 24:00
- tawassul & asking rasulullah to pray for us - 24:50
Anwar al Awlaki- Stories from Hadith - Part 3/4
- 10th STORY (loving for the shake of allah) - 00:40
- rewards - 02:25
- 11th STORY (thirsty dog) - 03:50
- there is a reward of every living being - 05:40
- 12th STORY (thirsty dog) - 06:15
- 13th STORY (forgiving debt) - 07:20
- money, question (how did u earned, how did u spent) - 13:00
- doubt = kufr - 14:40
- 14th story (killing 99 human) - 18:45
- difference between abid (righteous) & alim (wise) - 21:55
- value of tawbah - 24:30
- the deuce of killing 100 ppl will be left to be sorted out on the day of judgement - 01:19:30
- addiction (company & environment) - 26:45
- zinah (don't even come close) - 29:00
- condition of tawba - 34:00
1. regret (pillar).
2. stop comtting.
3. promise not to do it again.
- doing wrong to others - 35:35
- "only currency that's accepted on the day of judgement is hasanat" - 37:10
- "do u know what BANKRUPT OF UMMAH is?" - 39:40
- BACK BITING (thank u very much) - 41:40
- ignorant persons cause more harms - 43:00
- sins in public, diseases - 44:05
- spy - 45:30
- 15th story (loan, across the sea)- 48:00
- allah as witness - 50:20
- DIFFERENCE between TAWBA (past & future) & ISTAGFAR (past) - 56:30
- umar ibn al-khattab, "if i know that allah has accepted 2 rak'at from all of my salah, i'll be happy. that's enough for me" - 49:45
- problem is the ikhlas - 01:00:10
- exposing sin, seeking marriage, except knowing of doing tawbah - 01:07:50
- exposing sin, business - 01:13:45
- betrayal - 01:17:00
- istagfar 70 times or more, tawba 100 or more - 01:18:05
- ISTAGFAR = specific to sins, TAWBA = general - 01:18:20
Anwar al Awlaki- Stories from Hadith - Part 4/4
- asking allah for the reward of a good deed in dunya, 1/3 remains for akhira - 00:50
- conception of ruh - 02:00
- punishment in dunya will relieves from punishment on akhira - 03:15
- how do u seek knowledge - 07:00
- way of tabe'in, tabetabe'in (going places) - 07:10
- way of sahabah (learning on the move) - 08:30
- plan ur life - 08:55
1. study & seek knowledge all the way until age of 40
2. age 40 to 50, u preach that knowledge
3. age 50 to 60, u write books
4. age 60 & above, u devote ur time to worship
[in case death terminates ur life b4 u complete ur plan, u'll get the reward for the whole plan coz that was ur intention] - 09:25
- "u can get the reward without doing the deed" - 09:35
- divide the night into 3 segments (revise, sleep, prey) - 10:25
- 1st ppl to enter into jannah r gonna be poor of the muhajerin, 500 yrs before everybody, carried the sword on the neck all throughout their life until they died - 12:35
- ONE OF THE SIGNS OF JUDGEMENT DAY (pen will prevail but there will be lot of jahel) - 14:30
- surat al-asr - 15:45
- celebrating birthday, muslims vs other ppl - 16:50
- how to spend money - 21:30
- example of suicide - 24:10
- 1st example (king) - 24:25
- 2nd example (musailama al-kazzab) - 26:40
- 3rd example (rome) - 28:15
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