Wednesday, August 14, 2013

``` Dr Israr Ahmed Tafseer of Quran English (FROM DEOBAND NOT FROM AHLE SUNNAT)

Dr Israr Ahmed Tafseer of Quran English 001of113


اَلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ
اَلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ
وَكَفَى وَصَّلَاةُ وَسَّلَامُا عَلَى عِبَادِهِ الَّذِيْن اَصْطَفَى
خُصُوْصٌا عَلَى اَفْضَلِهِمْ وَخَتاِمُهُمُ نَّبِيِّنَا مُحَمَّدِاِ الْاَمِيْنِ
وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ اَجْمَعِيْنِ
اَمَّا بَعَدْ
اَعُوْذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
رَبِّ اشْرَحْ لِي صَدْرِي
وَيَسِّرْ لِي أَمْرِي
وَاحْلُلْ عُقْدَةً مِّن لِّسَانِي
يَفْقَهُوا قَوْلِي
اَللَّهُمَّ رَبَّنَا اَجِرْنَا رُشْدَنَا وَاَعِذْناَ مِنْ شُرُوْرِ اَنْفُسِنَا
اَللَّهُمَّ اَرِنَا الْحَقَّ حَقَّا وَّارْزُقْنَا اتِّبَاعَهْ
وَاَرِنَا الْبَاطِلَ بَاطِلاَ وَّارْزُقْنَا اجْتِنَابَهْ
اَللَّهُمَّ وَفِقْنَا لَمْا تُحِبُّ وَتَرْضَى
يَا رَبَّ الْعَالَمِيْنِ

- whn we try to understand qur'an, we should've 2 lvls of understanding of each & every ayath - 15:10

1. context, historical context. whn it was revealed? to whm it's revealed? who's d first addressed? to whm it's talking primarily? wht's their ideas? wht's thr belief? wht's thr customs? wht's thr rituals? - تَعْاوِيْذُ الْخَاصْ

2. meaning in general - تَعْاوِيْذُ الْعَامَّ

# unit of qur'an is called AYATH. we don't call it a sentence. we don't call it a verse - 22:10

- ayah means sign or a symbol. every ayah of d qur'an's a sign or a symbol of d wisdom of allah - 22:30
- آيَةْ = singular,  آيَاتْ = plural - 22:50
 - سُوْرَةْ‎ = singular, سُوَّرْ = plural - 24:30

# surah isn't a chapter - 24:45

- principles: every surah has a certain theme & all d ayath of tht surah they'r connected wid tht certain theme logically. thr's absolutely logical relationship - 27:05

# most of d surahs of d qur'an'r in pairs - 27:30

# ruku: wasn't present during d tym of rasulullah s.a.w. or sahabah r.a.a. - 28:40- it's done later on during umayyad period by hajjaj ibn yusuf (r.h.) - 28:50

- 1 ruku fr every rakat - 29:15

# para (juz): ths division was also done later on. ths was to facilitate d muslims. so tht every muslim can read & recite 1 para = 1 part of d quran everyday. so tht each month he completes 1 recitation of d whole qur'an -  29:45

# hizb/manzil/ahzab: d surahs of d qur'an was grouped'n such a way tht it's divided into 7 nearly equal parts. not exactly equal. it's fr ppl who've more love fr qur'an, they used 2complete d recitation'n every week. d beauty's tht d surahs'r complete. they rn't broken... - 30:35
- 1st = 3 surahs (widout fatiha)
- 2nd = 5
- 3rd = 7
- 4h = 9
- 5th = 11
- 6th = 13
- 7h = 65 surahs (13 tyms 5 = 65)

- ths's present during d tym of rasulullah - 32:45

# another's grouping: ths's also of 7 grps. ths'r grps of makkih & madani surahs... - 32:50

- 1st grp = surah fatiha's d only makkih. thn 4 longest madani surahs (baqarah, ali imran, nisa, ma'idah)
- 2nd = 2 makkih (an'am & a'raf) + 2 madani (anfal & tawbah)
- 3rd = 14 makkih (yunus to mu'minun) + 1 madani (nur)
- 4th = 8 makkih + 1 madani (ahzab)
- 5th = 13 makkih + 3 madani (muhammad, fath, hujurat)
- 6th = 7 makkih (qaf to waqiah) + 10 madani (hadid to tahrim)
- 7th = 45 makkih (mulk to ikhlas) + 2 (falaq & nas)

- they'r very meaningful. every grp has a simple idea, simple theme. one aspect of a subject's discussed'n d makkih surahs, d other aspect of d same subject's discussed'n d madani surahs of d same grp - 34:50

Dr Israr Ahmed Tafseer of Quran English 002of113

....... INTRODUCTION .......
- surahtul fatiha was makkih surah - 02:20
- madani part of ths 1st grp consists of 4 surahs. consisting of two pairs each - 02:25
- surahtul baqarah & 'ali imran. dey'r a pair. both starts wid d letters الم - 02:35
- surahtul nisa & ma'idah. they'r a pair. starts straight of. يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا and يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ - 02:50
- ths's d largest & biggest surah of d qur'an comprising nearly 2 & 1/2 parts - 03:10
- divided into 40 rukus - 03:25

- rasulullah s.a.w, "everything has its' top/highest place (every phenomenon has a climax) & d top/climax of qur'an IS surahtul baqarah" - 03:45

- سُوْرَةُ الْاُمتَيْنِ = surah of two ummahs (muslims & bani israel) - 04:20

- hadth'l qudsi "surahtul fatiha be eligible to be two absolutely equal parts" - 40:40

- here we have two nearly equal parts, halves of surahtul baqarah - 40:50

- 1st part = 18 rukus & 152 ayath - 05:00

- d address is basically fr d former muslim ummah, bani israel - 05:05
- out of 18 rukus more thn 10 rukus they'r in direct address يَا بَنِيْ اِسْرَائِيْلِ - 05:10
- 40th ayath - beginning of 5th section/ruku - 05:20
- 15th section/ruku = ayath 122 - 05:30

- 1st 4 rukus, dey'r s'm preliminary discussions. actually dey'r d summery of d whole of d makkih qur'an. bcz 2/3 of d qur'an had been revealed already whn surahtul baqarah was revealed - 05:45
- d tym of d revolution's beginning of d hijrah & till d tym just b4 gazwatul badr. so, tht abt 16 or 17 months - 06:05
- 1st madani surah - 06:30
- but 2/3 of d qur'an had already been revealed. tht's d makkih suras - 06:35

- bcz allah s.w.a. has placed ths surah @d very beginning of d qu'ran, a gist & d summery of d teachings of d makkih qur'an's given'n 4 rukus'n d very beginning of ths surah. - 06:40

- d 4 remaining rukus of ths 1st part, they'r tahriri ... تَحْرِرِ (liberation), u'll find d change of d direction of d quiblah, frm jerusalem to makkah tht's discussed'n those 4 rukus - 06:55

- & tht was actually a symbol tht d position tht was held by d former muslim ummah - 07:10
- d position tht were held by bani israel for 2000 yrs - 07:15
- NOW they were deported frm tht position - 07:20
- they're d representatives of allah s.w.a. on earth for 2000 long yrs - 07:25
- NOW they're de-post (displaced) frm th position - 07:27
- based'n d prophet-hood of & d messenger-hood of muhammad s.a.w. now ths has been placed into - 07:30
- ths's d start of displacement of d former muslim ummah - 07:40
- tht's why d direction of qiblah tht's changed frm jerusalem to makkah - 07:45
- thn d 2nd part, 2nd half of ths surah comprises of 22 rukus but d number of ayaths is 134 - 07:50

- in d 1st part 18 rukus, but ayath 152 - 08:00
- in d 2nd half, although d rukus number is better 22 - 08:02
- d actual ayath's 134 - 08:09
- tht's how they balances each other, tht's how i'm saying tht they nearly balances half & half - 08:02
- in 2nd portion, d address's 2 D muslim ummah exclusively - 08:20

- & 2 subjects has been discussed... - 08:25

1. d shari'a- d shari'a's revealed after hijrah - 08:30

- before hijrah, thr's no shari'a, no law - 08:35
- nothing was formed except doing salah - 08:40
- & tht was also made farz only before hijrah - 08:03
- thr's no zakah, no siyam - 08:45
- thr's nothing declared as haram - 08:48
- shari'a's actually revealed'n d madani surahs - 08:55

- in surahtul baqarah we find d blue-print of basic principles - 09:00

- & it goes to develop'n surahtul nisa & FINALLY - 09:10

- final shari'a has taken shari'a has taken form, D SHARI'A OF MUHAMMAD s.a.w. in surah mai'dah - 09:14

- d legal intentions of d qur'an & 2ndly jihad fe-sabilillah - 07:20
2. jihad fesabilillah & qital fe-sabilillah - 07:25

- ths'r d two subjects discussed in the 2nd half of d surah - 09:30
- & thr address 2d present muslim ummah - 09:34
....... START OF LECTURE .......
- d 1st two rukus of ths surah'r very important - 09:40
- if we keep it real, تَعْاوِيْذُ الْخَاصْ, whn dey'r revealed, wht's understood basically by this ayaths, whn dey'r revealed @tht tym & thn we'll've a generalized viewof historical background. then we'll talk abt d differences betwn'em - 09:45

- الم - 10:18

- ths'r d isolated latters of d qur'an which appear basically'n d beginning of d 29 surahs of d qur'a - 10:23
- & 3 surahs, only single letter comes - 10:30
 - ق ,ن - 10:34
 - Qaf,1 ... ق - 10:36
- qalam,1 ... ن - 10:38
 - sad,1 ... ص - 10:40
- s'm thr'r 2 letters حم, طه, يس - 10:45
- s'm thr'r 3 letters الم, الر - 10:48
- s'm thr'r 4 letters المر, المص - 10:50
- & only 2, thr'r 5 letter كهيعص, همعسق- 11:55
- nobody knws thr meanings - 11:05
- dey'r d secrets between allah & his messengers - 11:10

# 2nd - 11:30

- doubt = sentence + revolution - 11:40

# 3rd - 11:55

- taqwa = is to save urself frm... - 12:00

1. fire of hell
2. displeasure of allah
3. evil

- if ths moral sense's active'n'em, thn dey'll allways b... - 12:35

1. in search of d truth
2. in search of wht we'll do

- dey want d guidance اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ - 12:45

- ths's d RELATIONSHIP of surahtul fatiha & surahtul baqarah - 12:55

- u ask fr guidance? - 13:00

- ,هُدًى لِّلْمُتَّقِينَ ths's ur guidance - 13:03

- ths has d guidance fr all humanity only ths people'll b able 2aware of ths guidance, who've'n themselves ths search of truth & guidance. who want2've guidance - 13:30

- ppl who don't want2've guidance, dey won't b able2 aware thmslvs of d qur'an. if s'mbdy isn't hungry, he won't take fruit - 13:45

- D NEED4 GUIDANCE'S TAQWA. bcz u wanna save urself frm going astray, evils, doomed'n d doom's day - 14:15

- if tht desire's thr, only thn u'll b able2 aware of d guidance of d qur'an - 14:25
- who'r ths muttaqin? - 14:30

# 3rd (unseen) - 14:35

- confucius, famous thinker of china, "thr's nothing more real thn wht can't b seen & thr's nothing more certain thn wht can't b heard" - 14:55
 2've regular communication wid'em, u must establish prayers - 16:00

# 4th (blv, certain) - 16:25

- death's d gate2 eternity - 17:32

# 5th (guidance, successful) - 17:40

- eg: abu baqr, 'umar, uthman, talha, zubair r.a.a. - 18:55
- تَعْاوِيْذُ الْخَاصْ was pointing towards ths ppl who rasulullah s.a.w.'ve prepared by d hard work of 12 yrs training - 19:30
- تَعْاوِيْذُ الْعَامَّ: if nybdy wants 2b aware of ths guidance of qur'an, he must take 2ths parts 1st. he must produce'n himself d qualities tht'r being given'n here. as if dey'r d preconditions 2b aware d guidance of d qur'an tht u've 2fulfill - 19:57

- 2nd grp - 20:32


# 6th (certain ppl) - 20:40

- it's a particular grp whom rasulullah've preached fr 12 yrs@makkah & dey've understood d msg of d qur'an & frm d depths of thr heart, dey believe tht ths's correct. but dey didn't wanna accept it due to thr arrogance & pride - 21:35

# 7th (seal, veil) - 22:40

- ths ppl 2whm preaching's done. d msg of qur'an had been conveyed2'em. yrs after yrs. 12 yrs rasulullah took@makkah. qur'an's'n thr own language & dey knw rasulullah frm d very birth. but dey've decided not2 accept it. due2 thr pride & arrogance. due2 thr refusal 2accept d truth, allah s.a.w. punished'em by putting a seal'n thr hearts - 23:10

- 3rd typs of ppl - 24:45

# 8th (blv'n allah & d last day, but thr'nt believers) - 24:48

- dey'r actually 2 categories - 25:25

- generally ppl thn tht only munafiqins (hypocrites) but actually HYPOCRITES as well as d JEWS of madina both'r included'n ths category - 25:40


# baqarah,14 (mockers) - 26:13


- as a rule, whneva thr's s'm ideological call, revolutionary movement starts, based'n s'm ideology, u'll always find 3 grps of ppl... - 29:05
1. accepts ideology@it's face value. thr'r ready2 die fr it, live fr it. 2do whteva it demans
2. ppl opposes d ideology
3. want2 support d ideology but keep themselves safe. wanna play safe. don't wanna sacrifice thr belongings or lives = ths r d munafiqun- neither'n ths side nor'n ths side. s'mwht'n ths side, s'mwht'n tht side - 30:35

# 9th (deceive) - 31:00

# 10th (disease) - 32:00

- THS'S D RULE OF ALLAH... - 32:25

1. if us stay2d ri8 path, he'll help u'n proceeding forward'n tht ri8 path
2. if u choose d wrong path, he'll help u. go ahead, further & further
3. if u r'n between, he'll leave u thr

# insan,3 (إِمَّا شَاكِرًا وَإِمَّا كَفُورًا) -32:50

# 11th (why?) - 33:55

- "y r u gonna war? y don't go & preaching?" - 34:55

# as-saf,4 (single structure joined firmly) - 36:25

# 12th (corrupt mischief mongers) - 37:00

- BCZ? whneva on ths earth, thr's s'm system which isn't d system of deen of allah, ths's fasad. although thr mi8 b all aman, all piece, apparent peace, but actually ths isn't d law of allah which is governing ths place, it's d rebellion against d allah. ths's fasad - 37:15

# ar-rum,41 (corruption, land, sea, earned) - 37:45

- ny othr law ur ruling, ths's rebellion. ths rebellion has 2b controlled. fr tht u need a party. strong party. powerful party. disciplined party - 38:00

- if u'r giving injuries2 d discipline of tht party, u'r weakening d party. ur abating d system. ur supporting ths fasad'n earth - 38:17

# 13th (fools) - 38:45

# nisa, 145 (munafiqin'r, lowest lvl of hell) - 40:55

# 14th (only mocking) - 41:08

# 15th (allah prolongs) - 42:15

# 16th (purchased error'n exchange of guidance) - 42:55

# 17th (kindle) - 44:23

- thr'r 2 similes here & thr'r 2 opinions - 44:25

1. both ths similes'r regarding ths 3rd category

# nisa, 143 (in-between) - 44:40

- s'm r very deep'n ths quality of hypocrisy & s'm r shallow - 44:58
2. 1st simile's 4d kuffar & 2nd's 4d munafiqin

# 17th (kindled a fire, can't see) - 45:35

- situation: travelling'n desert'n night, blinded evn wid light, lost vision - 45:45

# 18th (deaf, dumb, blind, can't return) - 48:05

# 19th (rainstorm, fingers'n thr ears, thunder, encompass) - 48:37

# 20th (sight, light, darkness) - 49:40

- ths munafiqin'r lyk d undergrowth of d jews, d established ppl - 53:40

- always wid every revolutionary call & movement, u'll find 3 typs of ppl... - 54:10

1. ppl who accept d call @it's face value & thn dey die 4it & dey live 4it. dey take every risk 4it. dey'r ready 2sacrifice thr all belongings. even thr lives
2. ppl who opposed to it. openly. bcz dey'r d ppl who's interests'r threatened by d revolutionary party
3. likes s'mthn good'ld happen. but dey rn't ready 2sacrifice nythn 4tht. dey wanna play safe
- similitude: surahtul hajj, in-between makkih & madani surah - 55:00

# hajj,11 = DESCRIPTION OF MUNAFIQIN - 55:10

....... INTRODUCTION 2D 3RD & 4TH SECTION ....... - 56:53

- ths 2 sections of ths surah give u a gist & summary of... - 57:00
1. d call of qur'an
2. d basic philosophy of qur'an

- all ths subjects've been discussed'n details'n d makkih surahs. bcz allah s.w.a. has placed a madani surah'n d very beginning of d mushaf, the gist & summary of d makkih qur'an's given here'n 2 sections - 57:20



 1. wht's d position of man'n ths universe
 2. on wht basis tht position's given 2'em &
 3. wht's d struggle between evil & good tht's going'n throughout d history.a) d struggle within a man (personality)b) d struggle'n outside world

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